When it’s Good to Lose Hope


“And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7 (NLT)

Do you ever feel hopeless? Yesterday I was putting excited expectation in something that could effect positive and needed change in my life, but I soon saw the answers wouldn’t come–at least not from political committees, medical advances, or my own efforts. I felt a wave of hopelessness.

As I prayed, God reminded me of His love, and the many ways He has enacted that love in my life. I have had other times when I’ve lost hope in people, organizations, my abilities. They can all let us down. But God’s relentless love never stops. I can have faith in what His love is doing behind the scenes…in my life and in the world.

Sometimes it’s good to lose hope, when our hope is misplaced.

Lord, today we look to You. We lay before You every hurt, every need, every plea. Our hope is in You. Amen.

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