Writing Speculative Fiction
Today a number of authors shared their tips for writing speculative fiction at the Novel Rocket blog, and I was honored to be included. It was interesting to read the great advice from many different perspectives. I had to smile as I read thoughts that could appear contradictory. “Include important story-world details.” “Don’t bog down the story with too much detail.” It reminded me of my first writer’s conference, where I eagerly took notes on everything, then felt overwhelmed and confused.
The true challenge of writing in any genre is finding the best balance. Stay within the expectations of the genre, yet try something fresh. Keep the pace cracking along, yet give the reader time to breathe. Let your reader discover the rules of your story-world in the midst of action, but do have clear rules.
And while you’re sorting out how much to “show” and when to “tell” or how much description, dialogue, and narrative summary to weave into a scene, remember to PLAY.
Joy is a much better atmosphere for creativity than fear of breaking a rule.
I grappled with many speculative fiction issues when writing The Restorer. Today you can grab The Restorer free on Kindle and see what you think of the writing choices I made to tell the story. Enjoy!
Sharon Hinck
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