How Well Are We Known?


Known by Our Maker.

Lord, we are known by You. That thought can both terrify and thrill us. We catch glimpses of the worst of ourselves, and wish we could hide from others and from You. Yet Your forgiveness covers us. So we can rejoice that You know us – with all our interests and quirks and dreams and experiences.

Even better, You know who we are meant to be. In Your love, You continue to shape us in that direction.

Thank You for reminding us that You care about every detail in our lives. When our own choices confuse us, show us the truths that will help us to grow and change. Amen.


Sharon Hinck

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2 thoughts on “How Well Are We Known?

  1. I so appreciate your posts Sharon. Look at what God is doing through you! He isn’t done with you yet.
    With my love and a big hug!

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