God is great–even when I forget that.
Sometimes I look for wondrous things in the wrong places.
When I seek greatness in world systems, I’m left disappointed and cynical. When I search for wonderful things in my own soul, I quickly despair.
Other people carry glimmers of greatness, of beauty, of purpose and answers.
But all the best in the created world, in myself, and in others is best because it most clearly reflects our Creator.
This week I’m trusting God to be doing wondrous things. Not because I deserve it, but because it is His very nature. I hope that as I look away from all the other “gods” that consume me, I’ll be more likely to notice the great things He is doing.
Would you pray with me?
Lord, You alone are God. Forgive us for sometimes being the center of our own little universes, or for obsessing over (and making a god of) relationships, work, or our own plans. Thank You for all the wondrous things You’ve done in the lives of Your children. Open our eyes to see You at work this week. Amen.
Have You noticed some of His wonders lately? Any evidence of His greatness? Please share it with me in the comments. I’d love to hear!
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