Maundy Thursday – A Day to Follow Our Savior’s Steps


For my Christian brothers and sisters who follow the traditional church calendar, today is a special day with a strange name. As a child, I misheard “Maundy” and always thought we were going to church for “Monday Thursday.”

“Maundy” comes from the word “command” or “mandate” – and reminds us to follow Jesus’ command to love one another, and serve others as He demonstrated by washing the disciples feet at His last supper with them before He went to the cross.

Churches celebrate with worship, the Lord’s Supper, and some do a foot-washing ceremony. But we can also honor the day with acts of humble service and love for others. We could empty garbage even when it’s not our usual chore, or fold laundry for another family member, or fill the car with gas, or wash the kitchen floor. Any task that coaxes us to put others above ourselves can be a reminder of how the King of Kings became a servant to save us, and how He gives us a new command to love one another.

Lord Jesus, thank you for walking the dusty roads of this world, for drawing close to us in all our human experiences, and for showing us how to serve by washing the disciples’ feet. Thank you even more for washing away our sins. Give us hearts to follow in your steps today. Amen.

Blessed Maundy Thursday!

Sharon Hinck

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2 thoughts on “Maundy Thursday – A Day to Follow Our Savior’s Steps

  1. I am waiting for the snow plow to come so I can go to church tonight and watch the portrayal of the priest washing the disciples feet. It always puts a lump in my throat. I have so enjoyed your daily comments during Lent. God Bless You.

  2. Thanks for commenting, Judi! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the little Lenten verses/pictures. Blessed Maundy Thursday to you and yours!

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