Which Pattern Are You?

Which Pattern

Which Pattern in Hidden Current Would Be Your Favorite?

In Hidden Current, the dancers of the Order use specific dance patterns to control their floating world of Meriel. Use this short, no-spoiler quiz to find out which pattern would be your favorite!

Keep track of your responses to each question, then add up the number of responses you had for each letter. The letter you chose most often will reveal which pattern. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to read your results!

1.  How would you best describe yourself?

A. Reliable

B. Graceful

C. Powerful

D. Mysterious

E. Caring

2.  How would you prefer to spend your time?

A. Completing items on my to-do list

B. Working in a garden

C. Walking in the rain

D. Stargazing

E. Cooking

3.  What’s your favorite color?

A. I can’t choose

B. Green

C. Blue

D. Gold

E. Brown

4.  What do you value most?

A. Stability

B. Nature

C. Emotion

D. Beauty

E. Food

5.  Where would you prefer to live?

A. In the city or suburbs

B. In the woods

C. On the coast

D. On a distant planet

E. On a farm

6.  Someone offends you. How do you react?

A. Remain calm and work out the problem

B. Avoid the person and find better company

C. Fight back

D. Respond with a compliment

E. Let it go; the person is probably just hungry

7.  What causes you to dance?

A. Being at a party or other situation where dancing is expected

B. Spending time in nature

C. Listening to powerful music

D. Seeing something awe-inspiring

E. Hearing that it’s time for a meal

Now, add up your responses for each letter:

A______    B______    C______    D______    E______

Check below to find out your dance pattern!

If you got mostly As…

Your dance is…TURNING PATTERN!

The turning pattern must be danced daily to keep the world of Meriel in place. You like the pattern’s steadiness and reliability—and you’re probably a morning person, since this is always the Order’s first dance of the day.

If you got mostly Bs…

Your dance is…FERN PATTERN!

Fern pattern involves a beautiful series of turns, unfolding from a central point like the fronds of its namesake. You love the gracefulness of this pattern and probably enjoy spending your free time in the gardens.

If you got mostly Cs…


Leeward storm is a long and demanding pattern, requiring great effort to work properly. You, however, have the strength to dance this pattern and aren’t afraid of the power your dancing brings to the world.

If you got mostly Ds…

Your dance is…STAR RAIN PATTERN!

Star rain pattern is as beautiful and ethereal as the phenomenon it creates. You enjoy dancing this pattern beneath the night sky as the stars burst overhead.

If you got mostly Es…

Your dance is…FURROW PATTERN!

A slow and steady pattern, furrow coaxes food to grow from the earth. You not only enjoy this pattern for the dance itself, but because you know it brings provision for your people.

Discover more magical dance patterns in Hidden Current by Sharon Hinck, releasing January 28, 2020 and available for preorder NOW!  

Thank you to the lovely Caitlin Eha for creating this fun quiz.

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