I’m so stunned and grateful. Last night’s Christy Awards was a lovely evening of inspiration and terrific speakers. It reminded me of how much my life and faith walk has been shaped by authors of novels over the years–even more so than non-fiction. Their stories encouraged and challenged me. It’s a huge honor to be part of this amazing family of writers.

I’ll confess that when they read the first line of Forsaken Island, there was a roaring in my ears and a disoriented confusion, and if not for my hubby and daughter cheering, I would have forgotten to turn on my camera and mic and accept the award.
This was especially sweet because I was able to dedicate this to my mom. She taught me to read at a very young age and instilled a passion for books that led me to becoming a writer. She recently went ahead to heaven, and being able to acknowledge her was a very tender gift to me.
Thank you to everyone who has supported my writing over the years!
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This just blesses my heart! So well-deserved! Since I have the books loaded on an e-reader, I decided to share my hardback copies with the lending library at my apartment complex. I was thrilled to see that someone had checked them out the very first day I put them in there! I just love that a whole new generation is going to be introduced to the Maker through your gift of writing!
Congratulations, Mrs Hinck!
What a blessing!
Sharon, I am so proud of you! I can still hear you saying that “you used to be an author”. God has so much more for you ahead.
My life is changing. The kids have convinced me that I need to be living in an independent adult apartment. We have looked into four and will do one more and then review the two that I liked from the first ones. I will be down close to Paul and family. So-o-o much to do but the kids are really pitching in. They are coming in November for a full day on a Saturday to remove some things that I will not take and to help me sort through my kitchen and clean up the outside. They are being amazing. Maybe I will get to see you! I would love that! Blessings, Kathy
Congratulations, Sharon! I suspect that your award is well-justified,
Your Mornings With Jesus writings continue to seem written especially for me at that specific date.
May God continue to bless you and your family.
Congratulations! God bless you in your work!
Congratulations! SO very, very happy for you 🙂 Your stories are beautiful.