Introducing Dream of Kings! The past few years, as my Dancing Realms series was releasing, I began work on a new epic fantasy novel. Inspired by Biblical accounts, as I often am, I developed a new story world and a character who found herself trapped in a place she didn’t belong.
I’m over the moon excited to share the amazing cover of Dream of Kings, and let you know about this new tale:

Dream of Kings
The future never sleeps
In the glacial nation of Norgard, Jolan the dream teller serves every seeker, whether peasant or high lord. Though she loves using her gift, she struggles to navigate the corrupt and dangerous court and the jealousies of the Guildagard.
When an old man’s nightmare imparts a dire warning, Jolan realizes her entire nation is in danger. But before she can sound the alarm, she is betrayed by the guilds and sold into slavery in a rival kingdom far to the south. As a slave in a foreign land, at first Jolan can’t see beyond her singular focus: return home to warn Norgard of the coming calamity. After facing new dangers, making new friends, and forgiving old wrongs, she must fulfill the purposes the Provider has set before her.
Only then can she face a decision that could cost her the man she loves, her calling, and her freedom—all to save a people who abandoned her.
You can PREORDER the limited edition hard cover NOW, to ensure you get a copy. The book will release in October.
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I just recently found you. I saw a devotion you wrote in Mornings with a Jesus about being a writer. I looked you up and decided to read The Sword of Lyric series. I absolutely loved loved loved it. The characters became so real and how they still kept the faith even when it was hard and the future unknown. The questions they had and how God provided for them and gave them strength to carry on. It was just wonderful. I am looking at the other series you have and can’t wait to start. Please continue writing and being a messenger of God’s love and blessing us. Thank you.