Today I’m guest-blogging at Seriously Write, about why it took me seven years to write my new book. Stop by for a visit!
Sharon Hinck
author of The Deliverer
The Restorer’s Son – Bonus Scene
You can read more of the story in The Restorer’s Son.
Sharon Hinck
Years ago, I took this photo of a storm blowing past in Manasota Key, Florida. A beautiful sunset had begun to color the world. Then clouds banked in like a dark hand wiping across the sky. Soon after, the storm traveled onward and the threat disappeared down the coast.
Sometimes my life holds the contrast of breath-taking sunsets and frightening storm clouds. The wind whips my hair and if I stare into the dark, it seems to absorb the entire known world. Yet if I wait, it blows over and vibrant colors return, and I wonder what had me so frightened.
Our lives take courage. Courage to see both beauty and darkness. Courage to stand on the shore and wait for the clouds to pass.
Lord, help us all today. Give us courage to serve you in our roles as parents, waiters, managers, receptionists, salespeople, artists, singers, ministers, construction workers. Everywhere we walk on this planet we see reminders of the amazing beauty of your creation, as well as the devastating clouds of our fall and rebellion. Thank you that the storms are temporary and your grace and love are eternal. Amen.
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Please Share This:“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him.” Psalm 103:11 (NIV)
Lord, You beckon us to look up, to look beyond, to embrace the knowledge of how complete and boundless is Your love. May that awareness strengthen us for the less-than-ethereal challenges of our pilgrimage on this earth. Amen.
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Please Share This:“Jesus said to them, ‘Come and have breakfast.’ None of the disciples dared ask him, ‘Who are you?’ They knew it was the Lord.” John 21:12
The Gospel of John recounts a beautiful reprise of previous fishing experiences with His disciples. After His resurrection, Jesus directs their catch and then serves them breakfast.
Lord, when You provide my nourishment today, let my heart rejoice in knowing it is You who grants every blessing. Amen.
The Restorer’s Son – Bonus Scene