Anyone ever feel it? It begins with Sunday night insomnia…mind churning over all the tasks ahead in the coming week, wishing the weekend could last a few more hours.
Then the new week dawns, but the thought of resuming work feels daunting. I can tell I had a terrific weekend, because this morning I woke with no Monday Morning Dread.
I felt refreshed, eager to tackle the work on my desk. As I pondered why this Monday morning felt better, I identified a few aspects to my weekend that contributed.
1. I (mostly) stayed away from my normal work. I didn’t think about revisions, didn’t make plans for my next book release, didn’t write.
2. I had fun. We rented a few movies, indulged in take-out food, laughed a lot.
3. I spent time outside.
4. I accomplished work – but not my weekday work. We washed some windows, got more of the garden put to bed, little domestic not-inside-my brain type work.
5. I worshiped my socks off on Sunday morning. I love those special times of communion with Jesus and with others who love Him.
All together, the weekend gave me a fresh perspective and new energy for the week.
How about you? What helps you prevent Monday Morning Dread?
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