Monday Morning Dread

Anyone ever feel it? It begins with Sunday night insomnia…mind churning over all the tasks ahead in the coming week, wishing the weekend could last a few more hours.

Then the new week dawns, but the thought of resuming work feels daunting. I can tell I had a terrific weekend, because this morning I woke with no Monday Morning Dread.

I felt refreshed, eager to tackle the work on my desk. As I pondered why this Monday morning felt better, I identified a few aspects to my weekend that contributed.

1. I (mostly) stayed away from my normal work. I didn’t think about revisions, didn’t make plans for my next book release, didn’t write.

 2. I had fun. We rented a few movies, indulged in take-out food, laughed a lot.

3. I spent time outside.

4. I accomplished work – but not my weekday work. We washed some windows, got more of the garden put to bed, little domestic not-inside-my brain type work.

5. I worshiped my socks off on Sunday morning. I love those special times of communion with Jesus and with others who love Him.

All together, the weekend gave me a fresh perspective and new energy for the week.

 How about you? What helps you prevent Monday Morning Dread?

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Publisher Updates

The publisher of my Sword of Lyric series, (expanded editions), Marcher Lord Press, was recently sold and renamed. The new publisher, Enclave Publishing, has just announced their fall 2014 releases.

They are offering readers a chance to “crowd fund” the print run of the books, and get discounts on the books… in effect, a great discount and special deals for pre-ordering. You can chose e-books or paperback.

Feel free to spread the word, and check out all these great new stories by top Christian fantasy and science fiction authors.

And watch for more info from me about the 2015 release of a fourth Sword of Lyric book.
Yes, I finally finished the last chapter and am working hard at polishing and refining. I’m so excited for readers to find out what adventures Linette and Kieran are having in Hazor, and whether Mark and Susan ever get to see Jake again. 🙂


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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Several years ago, I was tossing around ideas for a novel about a woman longing to be “more” than she believed she was. I remembered a short story by James Thurber: “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.” Perhaps we studied it in high school, or even earlier. (Thank you to all my wonderful English teachers over the years!)

The very brief story clearly made an impact, because after so many years, I still remembered the image of a hen-pecked husband escaping into adventurous daydreams.  That concept inspired The Secret Life of Becky Miller, my first published novel.

Becky loses herself in grandiose daydreams, but finds herself in the trials of her real life. She grapples with spiritual questions, laughs and cries with her quirky friends, and pours her heart into her family.

I was delighted to hear that a new movie inspired by “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” has been released. I haven’t seen it yet (I’m a “wait for Redbox” sort), but have heard good things.

Hearing about the movie’s release also reminded me that I’d been procrastinating about getting my Becky Miller novels available as e-books.

I’ll be officially launching the e-book versions soon, but you can get a sneak peek of the first book now.

Order The Secret Life of Becky Miller on Kindle here.

Order The Secret Life of Becky Miller on Nook here.

I love that Becky dreams big. But I also love that she finds her real life–loved by God, and able to share that love with others–is a grander adventure than any that her imagination can create.

Sharon Hinck

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A Friend’s New Book

Some of the greatest joys I’ve had as a writer have been the precious friendships with other writers. Christopher Hopper is a friend I got to know on both an east coast and a west coast book tour several years ago.

It’s my delight to share that he has a new book out. Check it out here!

Here’s his description of The Sky Riders:

An Inventors World Novel by Christopher Hopper

On the floating cities above the cloud-floor, the only rule is don’t fall.

Enter the avionic steampunk world of master storyteller Christopher Hopper as he takes readers on a fast-paced, death-defying adventure in the skies.

Junar is a seventeen-year-old boy following in the footsteps of his Ace Pilot father, Leif, as a flyer in the Kili-Boranna Guild, better known as The Sky Riders. As if life couldn’t get any better, Junar’s First Year apprenticeship riding the massive birds of the sky, the majestic felrell, takes a fortuitous leap forward when his father is promoted to the most prestigious position in all of Aria-Prime-Timber Pilot.

Upon moving to the capital city of Christiana with his family, Junar meets fellow apprentices Liv, a strong-headed and alluring confidant, and Erik, whose favorite pastime is making life miserable for Junar.

Junar’s world takes an unexpected turn, however, when his father has a startling change of heart about his promotion. Embarrassed by his father’s weakness and his mother’s past, Junar endeavors to excel in his apprenticeship, and distances himself from his family by making his own name in the Guild. He sets his sights on competing in the Champions Race-a cross-world gauntlet whose winner is listed among the greatest felrell pilots in history.

But behind the scenes, political factions and government conspiracies collide with Junar’s new plans. The young pilot suffers a horrific blow at the hands of the Zy-Adair-the notorious Sky Pirates. And soon, his perfect world is spiraling out of control.

From his unsuspecting alliance with the Inventors-dubious tinkerers and social outcasts-to his unlikely associations with the Brologi-the Chancellory Police-Junar must find a way to plead his case before the Chancellor of Aria-Prime and piece together a puzzle that threatens his entire world’s way of life.

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Seven Things My Granddaughter Taught Me



Granddaughter Wisdom

Last weekend, we spent some blissful days visiting my son, daughter-in-love, and our sweet granddaughter who is five months old.  Even at such a young age, she demonstrates a lot of wisdom.
Here are a few things I learned from her, some of which I plan to apply to my own life:
  1. People are funny. Each time you notice that, squeal with delight.
  2. Your smile can be gorgeous even if you have no teeth.
  3. When you feel tired, rub your eyes a few times and let someone rock you.
  4. When life gets boring on your back, roll over and look at it from your tummy.
  5. If you do a Pilates V-sit and grab your toes, you can pull both socks off simultaneously.
  6. Sometimes the best toys are just out of reach, but keep trying anyway.
  7. Everyone adores you, and that’s just the way it should be.

If you’re having a rough day, try experiencing life from the perspective of a five-month-old. I pray you can take joy in discovering new things and in the truth that you are adored by the One who created you.

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Something New

Happy New Year!

As I think about the coming year, and my writing goals, I’ve been thinking about adaptation and change.

I have visceral memories of writing one of my first stories in pencil on multi-lined paper in the second grade. In fourth grade I typed a story about a horse on an old manual typewriter using onionskin paper and a carbon to make a spare copy. Anyone else remember working with carbon paper?

I was thrilled to upgrade to an electric typewriter in eighth grade. But I also filled blank journals with dreams and musings using a ballpoint pen.

Computers and word processors revolutionized the work of writing, but required more adjustment. I’ve used a computer to write all my novels, and don’t know how I would have managed revisions without one.

Yet I wonder if my writing voice changes with each medium.

One of my grad school professors believed that poetry should never be written on a computer or typewriter all. Poetry required a fountain pen and quality paper.

I continue to look for ways to adapt as a writer.

I’m writing this blog using my Christmas present: voice recognition software. Can I adapt?  I’m not sure. This brief blog has taken many minutes of grappling with the software’s misunderstandings. Yet if I can adapt this may be another helpful step forward.

As I have practiced storytelling aloud, letting the software notate the words, I told my computer this was very Star Trek, and I was gratified to discover my computer recognized and knew how to spell, “Star Trek.”

On the other hand, my earlier reference to onion skin  was typed as “masculine.”

So I fear I have a long way to go.

How about you? Anyone else trying a new skill in the new year?


Sharon Hinck

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They Also Serve…

For several years now, circumstances have required me to pull back from activities that make me feel like I’m contributing. God whispers, “If my purpose is for you to wait, will you trust I love you no less?”


John Milton explored that struggle.

On Blindness

When I consider how my light is spent
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,
And that one Talent which is death to hide
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest He returning chide,
“Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?”
I fondly ask. But Patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies, “God doth not need
Either man’s work or his own gifts. Who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state
Is kingly: thousands at his bidding speed,
And post o’er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.”

Advent is a wonderful time to ponder waiting. Has a life situation caused you to feel like you can’t contribute as much as you’d like? Have you felt God’s call to “wait,” in some area?

Let’s celebrate that our thoughts, our praise, our trust in the place of waiting can all be our service to Him. Let’s also celebrate that He is faithful to love us and never leave us.

Blessed Advent Season!
Sharon Hinck 

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