This photo shows why I love hiking so much. We caught the sun breaking through on a recent amble on the Superior Hiking Trail.
Sharon Hinck

This photo shows why I love hiking so much. We caught the sun breaking through on a recent amble on the Superior Hiking Trail.
Sharon Hinck
A photo from sunrise up north, and an opening line of a scene from The Restorer’s Journey-Expanded Edition (which releases next week).
Sharon Hinck
“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.” (Psalm 57)
My hubby and I recently spent a week up north. The beauties of Lake Superior, of ridgelines covered with fall color, and secluded trails through pine forests all gave us glimpses of God’s glory and refreshed our hearts.
Good timing for me, as I returned to the intense work of proofreading the galleys for The Restorer’s Journey-Expanded Edition, which is about to release. I’m so excited to have the third book of the series back in print, and the new expanded version has over 60 pages of new material. I’ll be visiting some blogs, doing a special contest, and other fun things throughout October as the book releases. Stay tuned!
And as I prepare for the release of RJEE, I’m continued to feel blessed as people discover the first and second books, as well. The Christian Manifesto recently posted an indepth review of The Restorer-Expanded Edition (book one in the Sword of Lyric series) which you can read here.
It’s tempting to get swept into the work of a book release and lose perspective on other aspects of life. While we were enjoying fall color, I kept meditating on Psalm 127. “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.”
Whatever projects are requiring our attention, let’s take time to step aside, look up, and catch some glimpses of God’s glory over all the earth.
Sharon Hinck
One of my favorite authors, Calvin Miller, recently graduated to heaven. His poetic The Singer trilogy enlivened my imagination when I was in high school. His non-fiction book Into the Depths of God challenged my Christian walk. But the volume I treasure most has a personal story behind it.
Several years ago, I was at the International Christian Retail convention, doing a book signing for The Restorer when it was first released. As I was meeting people and signing books, a sweet woman greeted me and said, “My husband has written some fantasy, too.”
“Oh, what’s his name?” I was familiar with many Christian fantasy authors and wondered if I’d heard of him.
“Calvin,” she answered.
I stared at her name tag, with the last name of Miller. “Calvin Miller?” I sputtered. “THE Calvin Miller?” I became incoherent as I stammered out how much his work had meant to me over the years. I attended my first writer’s conference in part because he was the keynote speaker. She was gracious as I was a babbling basket case of enthusiasm.
That alone would be a cherished memory of the convention. But a few minutes later she was back, slipping me a book. “Since Calvin is signing at the same time as you, and you won’t be able to get over to his booth, I had him sign a copy for you.”
I will always treasure my autographed copy of The Path of Celtic Prayer.
The book is a celebration of a life where prayer is as integral to each day as breathing.
I’m so grateful for God’s gift of language, for the printed word, and for writers like Calvin Miller whose books can mentor us from afar.
Sharon Hinck
“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for mankind,
for he breaks down gates of bronze
and cuts through bars of iron.” – Psalm 107:15-16 (NIV)
As a writer, there are days when the story gets stuck, when finding words is like fishing in oatmeal, when our own doubts become a bully holding us under the water as we choke and gasp for air. What a gift it is to run to Jesus, to know that He has the power to free us and give us the breakthroughs we need.
Lord, we need Your breakthroughs. Break down the bars of iron that hold us captive, whether in relationships with You, others, our work, or ourselves. Free us by Your love. Amen.
Please Share This:Are you a fan of the Restorer books? I’m looking for a few enthusiastic readers to be “influencers” for The Restorer’s Journey-Expanded Edition. You’ll receive an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) and then you get to help spread the word when the book releases in October. Email me through the contact page at my website if you are interested!
Please Share This:“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” John 15:16 (NIV)
I think it’s a longing in every heart to make a difference, to accomplish something each day, to allow God to create something of worth from our lives. We can distract ourselves with chasing activities that feel important in the moment, but Jesus has appointed us for more. He invites us to bear fruit that will last.
Lord, show us where You want us to serve today. Direct us, so that we use our time in ways that will enable You to grow fruit that will last into eternity. When we can’t yet see the fruit that You are creating through our lives, help us walk in faith. Amen
Please Share This:Symphony of Secrets is now available on Kindle!
Talented flutist Amy Johnson’s dreams come true when she wins a spot with the Minneapolis Symphony. But this armchair detective has trouble concentrating on the notes as she begins to see devious motives behind her fellow musicians’ mishaps. Meanwhile, her musically talented daughter is forsaking the arts for cheerleading. Amy has to confront questions of faith, challenges of being the single mom of a teen daughter, and the secrets of her past – all while solving the mystery of the symphony before it’s forced to close and she loses not only her dream job but her promising new relationship with its conductor.
“It’s official—if the book says Sharon Hinck on the spine, I’m buying it! Symphony of Secrets hits just the right tone, weaving harmonies of mystery, family, and the life of a symphonic musician—a topic I’ve not experienced in fiction before. The melody is God’s love, subtle yet persistent and so perfectly pitched that I’ll be humming that tune for a long time to come. This is a great read and a perfect gift for anyone who finds joy in music.” – Kathryn Mackel, author of Vanished
“What a delightful story! I fell in love with the characters on the first page and didn’t want to let them go. If you love music, as I do, you’ll especially enjoy this engaging tale of lost dreams and second chances. Like a Haydn serenade, your mind will dance along the story line at an engaging pace, allowing your imagination and sense of humor to absorb the melody of its plot. With Symphony of Secrets, Sharon Hinck makes beautiful music with her words!” – Mindy Starns Clark, author of The Million Dollar Mysteries series
Please Share This:Our first grandchild arrived yesterday!
While we waited for news yesterday morning, we pulled out a song that we sang at each of our children’s baptisms:
Welcome to the Family
by Debby Kerner
Welcome to the family, we’re glad that you have come
to share your life with us, as we grow in love, and
May we always be to you what God would have us be,
a family always there, to be strong and to lean on.
May we learn to love each other more with each new day
May words of love be on our lips in everything we say
May the Spirit melt our hearts and teach us how to pray,
that we might be, a true family.
That’s our prayer… along with a huge praise for our sweetie-girl’s safe arrival.
Sharon Hinck
“While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. ‘Why this waste?’ they asked. ‘This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.’” Matthew 26:6-9 (NIV)
In a world full of real human need, art is sometimes seen as an extravagant gesture. Artists spend hours, years, decades, honing their craft and producing their work. Time that could be spent in more “practical” pursuits. Yet when we see our life purpose as worship – as a pouring out of praise at the feet of Jesus – we know that bringing Him our best is never a waste.
Lord, let our creative efforts be our lavish gift to You – but also to the needs of the world. Help us bring out our very best treasures, break them open, and pour them freely, and trust that You are pleased. Amen
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