When I began writing the Restorer books, the readership I had it mind were my friends: Other moms, struggling to find the courage for some hard roads. Asking questions about the unexpected turns that life sometimes takes. Wondering how to draw closer to God instead of pulling away from Him.
I didn’t anticipate how many younger readers would embrace the stories. What a fun bonus! I hear from teen readers often, and love their enthusiasm and ability to embrace an imaginary world and travel to creative places.
My friend Renee just posted some beautiful thoughts from a teen reader, Alissa. You can read about it here.
I’m so grateful when I hear of someone who has been blessed by these stories.
Now, time for me to stop blogging and get back to work on The Deliverer (book 4 of the Sword of Lyric series). The story is taking some interesting turns.
Sharon Hinck