And these two drawings of Kieran are by Elizabeth Wallace. I love the depiction of the scene of Kieran losing his sword fight with the One.

I’m delighted to share the brand new cover for the brand new The Restorer-Expanded Edition.
The new book has the full original text of The Restorer plus so much more.
Bonus Scenes:
Ever wondered why Mark built the attic room? Some of his thoughts and motives are explored in a bonus scene. Learn how Tristan really felt after achieving revenge. Get a peek into Tara’s impressions of the strange visitor to Braide Wood. Live through Kendra’s experience as she’s called back to awareness. Delve into Nolan’s life as he is drafted to travel with the Hazor army. Other bonus scenes give insights into a first-year Council delegate, Wade, Linette, and even Cameron.
Devotion Guide:
Have you been curious about how the story of Deborah in Judges inspired elements of the book? The new ten-part devotion guide digs into the parallels as well as other themes found in the novel. The guide provides scripture, places to journal, questions with which to interact, and prayers.
Special Features:
New musical score for one of the songs, audio files, and links to recipes and other fun bonuses.
Last winter I spent many months developing all the extras for this book. It was a labor of love for the readers who have appreciated the Sword of Lyric series. I’ve completed and turned in all the bonus material for The Restorer’s Son, which will also release with Marcher Lord Press, and am beginning work on the expanded edition of The Restorer’s Journey next. Hooray!
Let me know what you think of the new cover. I was skyping with my daughter when the file came through and whooped and hollered with excitement. 🙂 I think they did a great job.
Last spring, I was invited to write 45 devotions for an upcoming book:
Mornings with Jesus: 365 Devotions to Start Each Day
These short, heartfelt devotions were a blessing for me to work on. I know some of the other authors who were involved, and they are terrific, so I’m sure the book as a whole will be great.
This would also make a great Christmas gift, for folks who want to have a daily devotion book for 2012. You can pre-order now at the link above. Enjoy!
Please Share This:I know I haven’t been able to blog much this past year, but for those who still pop by occasionally to see what’s new, I wanted to share some happy news.
I’ve signed a contract with Marcher Lord Press to release new editions of the Sword of Lyric series books. While it’s great to get the books back in print, I’m especially excited about adding some bonus scenes, behind-the-scenes notes, and other surprise features that will make the new editions extra special.
And – to answer the question I find most frequently in my emails each week – yes, I have been working on a fourth book, as well. I had several chapters of the fourth book written a few years ago before health issues sidelined me. Whenever I’m able, I do a bit more work on it, and have made a tiny bit of progress. It’s slow going, but I’m not giving up. 🙂
Meanwhile, have a blessed Christmas, and may you feel the presence of Emmanuel – “God with us” – throughout each moment of every day.
Sharon Hinck
I met her first when I was about fourteen, and a gawky mess of braces and braids and nervous energy. I was applying to join “Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ” and she was volunteering with the organization and doing interviews with each teen applicant.
I was also sweet on her youngest son, Ted. Perhaps that added to my nerves.
I remember how calm, warm, and strong she was. How safe she made me feel as we talked about some tough theological questions. She approved my application, and in all the years since, I’ve treasured her approval, because my respect for her was so deep.
Once in college, Ted and I fled to his home to talk with his mom and dad about some upsetting things happening on campus. She made cocoa – with real milk – and listened, and cared, and reassured.
She had a gift for reassuring, because her own assurance was so strong. Assured of her Savior’s love. Assured of where she was heading.
Yesterday, Mom Hinck finally got to meet the Savior she served all her life – for 92 years – face to face. What a glorious meeting that must have been.
She touched so many lives – as a Lutheran school teacher, as a church organist, as the co-manager of a Christian bookstore, as a member of many boards and organizations, as a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She has been one of my dearest role-models of what a Christian woman can be.
In recent years, her memory became confused. Yet, her spirit was so firmly cast in a path of sweetness, that the sweetness still showed through. If there were times she was a little fuzzy on who I was, it didn’t matter – she still opened her arms and welcomed me with a delighted smile.
I hope that my spirit can learn to be as firmly entrenched in a place of faith, trust, joy, and love as hers was, as I walk out my remaining years.
What a beautiful celebration she is enjoying today – in the presence of our Lord.
Please Share This:
I am glued to the Olympics. So much so, that I create my own running commentary. “She caught too much air there. She needs to hold her line. He nailed his quad, but his musicality just isn’t up to the other competitor.”
My patient hubby shakes his head and says, “You should be a broadcaster.”
Which makes me imagine what perspective a “mom-caster” would bring to sports commentary.
What would I say during the half-pipe?
“Jim, I wish he’d tighten that helmet a little more. That’s a dangerous drop.”
Or short-track speed skating?
“Korea is favored, strong team this year — OOH, the Australian just cut in front. Where are her manners?”
Figure skating?
“Oh, his lace came untied. I told him a million times to check that before he goes out.”
Ski jumping?
“I can’t look. Tell me when it’s over.”
And of course for all the sports, and all who don’t medal:
“It’s okay, honey. You gave it your best. We’ll always love you.”
And that’s pretty much how I feel about all the Olympians. Thanks for your passion, commitment, and sharing your talents with the world.
Gotta go. Biathlon is about to start and I need to remind the athletes not to point guns at people.
Mom-caster Sharon
Please Share This:I recently rediscovered a hymn that spoke to my writer’s heart.
When our lives are transformed through Christ’s relationship with us, there aren’t enough ways to express the wonders, challenges, and new discoveries.
Artists search for ways to convey something that often seems to transcend normal communication–to utter the un-utterable. This hymn captures that longing and is the song of heart these days:
“Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices”
by Johann Mentzer, 1658-1734
Text From:
(St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1942)
1. Oh that I had a thousand voices
To praise my God with thousand tongues!
My heart, which in the Lord rejoices,
Would then proclaim in grateful songs
To all, wherever I might be,
What great things God hath done for me.
2. O all ye powers that He implanted,
Arise, and silence keep no more;
Put forth the strength that He hath granted,
Your noblest work is to adore.
O soul and body, be ye meet
With heartfelt praise your Lord to greet!
3. Ye forest leaves so green and tender,
That dance for joy in summer air;
Ye meadow grasses, bright and slender;
Ye flowers so wondrous sweet and fair;
Ye live to show His praise alone,
With me now make His glory known.
4. All creatures that have breath and motion,
That throng the earth, the sea, the sky,
Now join me in my heart’s devotion,
Help me to raise His praises high,
My utmost powers can ne’er aright
Declare the wonders of His might.
5. Lord, I will tell, while I am living,
Thy goodness forth with every breath
And greet each morning with thanksgiving
Until my heart is still in death;
Yea, when at last my lips grow cold,
Thy praise shall in my sighs be told.
6. O Father, deign Thou, I beseech Thee,
To listen to my earthly lays;
A nobler strain in heaven shall reach Thee,
When I with angels hymn Thy praise
And learn amid their choirs to sing
Loud hallelujahs to my King.
Sharon Hinck