I hesitate to blog after a few days of the West Coast Tour, and a head full of amazing and varied impressions. I can’t imagine I’ll get everything straight, or spell things correctly.
I do believe it’s Sunday night, and I know we’re in Medford.
So far we had a great time visiting classrooms to speak, conducting mentoring groups, and doing a program and then book signing for a middle-school in Abbotsford, Canada. Then we returned to our gathering point in Seattle and did a television interview for TBN, then an afternoon book signing at Harvest Logos bookstore in Seattle – they were able to borrow space from the ministry offices next to the bookstore and had a whole wonderful maze of author tables and enthusiastic readers who came out to meet us. We hurried from there to the Salt Shaker bookstore in Enumclaw for an evening event. They had decorated the walls with medieval castle backdrops, and Wayne and Christopher entertained with a sword fight, and several authors read scenes.
We hit the road early and made it to Portland by 11am to meet in an outdoor gazebo with readers (some of whom traveled four hours to meet a favorite author or two). After a long afternoon driving south, we reached Medford, where we were warmly welcomed to the Bridgeport Mall’s Evangel bookstore – and were blessed by a huge group of readers who kept thanking us for the books we write and for coming to visit.
We have been humbled, honored, exhausted, delighted, and amazed at God’s provision.
Those of you who’ve been praying for my health and strength on this tour . . . thank you. Tonight I felt close to normal after a couple days of really struggling. That was such a huge gift, I can hardly express it.
Now I’m off to grab a few hours of sleep. We hit the road early tomorrow.
I must at least mention that:
Jonathan Rogers has claimed ownership of the subgenre of swamp fiction within fantasy,
Amanda explained that she used kitten milk to feed baby squirrels and the guys asked, “How do you milk a kitten?”
The Miller brothers told me gullible isn’t in the dictionary…and I believed them.
When crossing the border into Canada, Bryan handed the border guard all our USA passports and was asked where we were from. “All over the country,” he answered.
“What country?” the guard asked.
Wayne said (about Seattle), “So this is where the sun goes down in the east.” (Um, Wayne. The sun sets in the WEST).
The amazing writers on the tour are not only a bit silly… they are amazingly talented and unceasingly kind – which has helped carry me through feeling a bit weaker than I’d like to be while undertaking this adventure.
More soon!
His on the road,