A Little Fun

Amazing blogger Becky Miller (no, not my character…the living breathing woman behind A Christian Worldview of Fiction) tagged me for a meme. I don’t usually make time for them, but this one looked fun.

What is your favorite word?

compassion (I love the word “passion” and I love the tenderness of coming along someone else evoked in this word)

What is your least favorite word?

bitterness (scares me – one of my fears is letting hurts and wounds turn into this)

What inspires you (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)?

nature, music, dance, great conversations, praying with someone

What dampens your enthusiasm (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)?

sneering responses, apathy from others, loneliness (and ironically also too much interaction with others – I’m SO conflicted! LOL!)

What sound or noise do you love?

the near silent breath of a sleeping baby, my husband’s heart beating beneath my ear, my children’s laughter

What sound or noise do you hate?
certain kinds of angry-toned rap music full of harsh language

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Being a midwife

What profession would you not like to do?
Taxi-driver (I have no sense of direction and HATE driving)

What one book, other than the Bible, do you read again and again for inspiration?
I’ve re-read books by Philip Yancy, John Eldrege, C.S.Lewis, Madeline L’Engle, Calvin Miller, Richard Foster…to name a few

What would you like to hear God say when you arrive in Heaven?
Welcome home, dear one.

Now I’m tagging some other friends to play:

Camy Tang, Jonathan Friesen, Amy Wallace

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Fantasy Fiction Book Tour – 2008

I’m getting SO excited about hanging out with seven other wonderful Christian fantasy authors! October 3-12, we’ll be traveling from Canada through Seattle, Portland, down the west coast to the L.A. area and finishing in San Diego.

Here’s a taste of the fun we’ll be having!

Hope to see you there!

Sharon Hinck
Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour 2008

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If I Were In the Olympics

I love the Olympics.

I’m not a huge sports fan, but when the Olympics roll around, I’m riveted.

As a former choreographer, the gymnastics thrill me . . . and rhythmic gymnastics. Oh, and the diving and its artistry . . . and for that matter the grace of pole vaulting and the beautiful strides of the runners.

But I also have bitten down my fingernails in the past days of viewing. The tension drives me crazy. The years and years of sacrifice and training that come down to, in some cases, a few SECONDS of performance. The danger as athletes crash from the high bar or slip on the balance beam. The pressure.

Gets to me every time.

I decided that if I were ever an Olympian, I couldn’t be in any sport where a hair-breadth mistake means ruin. The track and field dashes, the swimming sprints. I’d want to know that if I were a bit slow off the block, I could still make it up somehow.

I also couldn’t work with props. No relay batons for me. Way too fickle. And apparatus like uneven bars or rings? Not for me. Hurdles? I just know they’d jump up and bite me.

Team sports have always been a problem for me, because I’m terrified of letting others down–which always tended to paralyze me when the kickball was heading my way in third grade recess.

Come to think of it, I’m not good with anything flying toward me – so that leaves out basketball, volleyball, soccer, even ping pong. I tend to duck and close my eyes.

Rowing looks tranquil in the midst of the grueling hard work – but I’d worry about tipping the boat over or dropping my scull.

I also wouldn’t want my fate in the hands of subjective judging. Someone on a panel blinks while I’m sticking my landing after a tumbling pass, or doesn’t notice my competitor’s bent knee in her lay-out back handspring, and I miss the bronze by a tenth of a point. Too heartbreaking.

I suppose if I were in the Olympics, I’d want to run the marathon . . . just me and the road and plenty of time to overcome mistakes. But since I can barely jog around the block, it’s not going to happen.

So instead, I’ll say a thank you to the gifted men and women who give me a jolt of inspiration each time the Olympics roll around.

I’m in awe of all the athletes willing to take those risks and show us what dedication and sacrifice can bring to innate talent.

And I’ll breathe in the lesson they teach me as I ponder Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

If you were in the Olympics, what event would you compete in?

Sharon Hinck

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Book Cover Contest

I think that the cover for Stepping Into Sunlight is a great example of the amazing work by the artists and designers at Bethany House.

Right now, the cover of Stepping Into Sunlight is up at Stepping Stones Magazine which is running a contest for book covers.

Be sure to check it out, take time to look at ALL the beautiful entries – and you can vote for your favorite (the instructions are on the contest page.)

Also, please email me through my website if you would like some bookmarks for yourself and friends. They feature a design based on the cover and are also works of art. 🙂


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Unprecedented Author Event !!!

Multi-author Book Signing – Mall of America

What: ACFW booksigning
Who: 127 Christian novelists
Where: Best Buy & Sears Rotundas and connecting hallway, Mall of America, Bloomington, MN
When: Saturday, September 20, 2008
1-3 p.m.
Why: To meet your favorite authors

This is an amazing gathering of some of the top fiction writers in our field, and a fun opportunity to meet the authors, bring your books to be autographed, and celebrate the wide array of genres represented. It’s FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Here’s a list of participating authors:

Tamera Alexander
Jennifer AlLee
A.K. Arenz
Diane Ashley
Karen Ball
Janet Lee Barton
James Scott Bell
Joseph Bentz
Terri Blackstock
Robin Caroll
Patricia PacJac Carroll
Jeanie Smith Cash
Eleanor Clark
Debra Clopton
Gloria Clover
Brandilyn Collins
Mary Connealy
Lyn Cote
Kathryn Cushman
Margaret Daley
KM Daughters
Susan Page Davis
Mary Davis
Janet Dean
Megan DiMaria
Brandt Dodson
Lena Nelson Dooley
Cecelia Dowdy
Sharon Dunn
Wanda Dyson
Lynette Eason
Meredith Efken
Leanna Ellis
Sharon Ewell Foster
Miralee Ferrell
Tina Ann Forkner
Darlene Franklin
Jonathan Friesen
Rhonda Gibson
Terri Gillespie
Debby Giusti
Beth Goddard
Cathy Gohlke
Rene Gutteridge
Cathy Marie Hake
Kelly Eileen Hake
Karen Harter
Rachel Hauck
Roxanne Henke
Cynthia Hickey
Patti Hill
Sharon Hinck
Joan Hochstetler
Steven Hunt
Angela Hunt
Denise Hunter
Jennifer Johnson
Jenny B. Jones
Golden Keyes Parsons
Deb Kinnard
Julie Klassen
Kathleen Kovach
Harry Kraus
Patti Lacy
Maureen Lang
Jeanne Marie Leach
Tosca Lee
Julie Lessman
Michelle Levigne
Sherri L. Lewis
Elizabeth Ludwig
Christine Lynxwiler
Richard L. Mabry
Sharlene MacLaren
Gail Martin
Debby Mayne
Vickie McDonough
Andrew McGuire
Susan Meissner
Becky Melby
Dana Mentink
Amber Miller
Judith Miller
Sara Mills
Siri Mitchell
Nancy Moser
Janelle Mowery
Elizabeth Musser
Mark Mynheir
Jill Nelson
Mae Nunn
John Olson
Donita K. Paul
Trish Perry
Marta Perry
Allie Pleiter
Cara Putman
Deborah Raney
Sandra Robbins
Paul Robertson
John Robinson
Martha Rogers
Cynthia Ruchti
Gail Sattler
Kim Vogel Sawyer
Shelley Shephard Gray
Virginia Smith
Lynette Sowell
Candice Speare
Kathryn Springer
Denice Stewart
Sarah Anne Sumpolec
Michelle Sutton
Camy Tang
Donn Taylor
Janice Thompson
Cindy Thomson
Missy Tippens
Carrie Turansky
ML Tyndall
Amy Wallace
Susan May Warren
Linda Wichman
Beth Wiseman
Cheryl Wyatt
Kathleen Y’Barbo


Please come out and find me! If you bring a copy of Stepping Into Sunlight to be autographed, I’ll have an extra special gift for you (while supplies last). 🙂


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Heartbeat of the Home

There is a woman whom I suspect is an angel in disguise.

Her name is Cynthia Ruchti.

Last fall, I met her as I was waiting for the shuttle to the airport in Dallas after a writer’s conference. We talked about the writing journey and her eyes sparkled as I shyly told her a new concept that I was playing with for a novel. She instantly “got it” – and encouraged me in my unusual idea.

Then last winter, out of the blue, she emailed and said, “For some reason, God has put on my heart to pray for you today. You might think this sounds weird, and I don’t know if anything is going on with you, but I wanted to let you know I’m praying for you.”

Very kind; but hardly remarkable, right?

Wrong. That very morning as I read that email, I was about to go to the hospital for an angiogram–and based on my earlier tests, the surgeon was preparing us for the possibility of bypass surgery. I was trying to muster my very feeble courage and her email reminded me that God was very present. (By the way, when they roto-rootered my arteries, they didn’t find the expected blockage – hooray!)

I heard from Cynthia again the day before I left for my road trip to South Bend a few weeks ago.
She had read an early galley of Stepping Into Sunlight and sent this email (snippet shared with permission):

“After finishing it, I wanted to press it into the hands of everyone I meet and say, ‘THIS! This is what my God is like! This is where you can find hope! This is what it means to live for Christ even when things are horrifically ugly around you. This is healing. This is what it looks like to hurt and to heal.’ No pious platitudes. Reality Faith.”

I printed out her email and brought it along to help bolster my courage for all the drop-in visits to stores, and the television interview. She didn’t know how precious her timing was. She also didn’t know that I’d been confronting some intense discouragement in recent days.

Then she did something even more remarkable.

She told me about the magazine her ministry puts out, and asked if she could feature info about Stepping Into Sunlight in the Fall/Winter edition, which will come out in October.


See what I mean about suspecting she’s an angel constantly on call to jump in and bring encouragement?

Bethany house created a GORGEOUS page for the magazine.

I got a glimpse of the mock-up for the upcoming magazine, and it’s jam-packed with articles and photography and scriptures of hope.

Please check out the website of Heartbeat of the Home. You can also find out if you are in the listening area for her radio program at that site. And you can learn more about the magazine and access back-issues. You can also read some of Cynthia’s thoughts on her blog, Splashing in the Deep End.

In the novel Stepping Into Sunlight, Penny is led to do a small step of kindness for a new person each day–as part of her journey toward healing.

Cynthia reminded me again that when we take a risk and reach out to do something kind, God can use us to make a tremendous difference. Pain, discouragement, and suffering feel like overwhelming enemies sometimes, but
God’s grace is ALWAYS bigger – and sometimes He lets us be part of offering that grace to others. I’m so grateful Cynthia was a conduit of God’s grace in my life through her kindness.

Sharon Hinck

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A Day of Vacation

After the busy couple of days of traveling to talk about Stepping Into Sunlight, Ted and I spent a day relaxing before heading home.

The first photo shows a ridge we climbed in a state park near Wisconsin Dells. It felt good to work our muscles a little after all the hours in the car, and the scenery fed our souls.

While up on the ridge, we watched some eagles, and captured this one rare shot from overhead. I think this is the first time I’ve gotten a picture of a soaring eagle while looking down from above.

We also found a monastery not far from the Dells that had the Stations of the Cross in a wooded setting. We found it and walked quietly along the path, pausing to read aloud the scripture verses and prayerful liturgy at each stop. With a backdrop of tall pines, lush ferns, nearby creek, and solitude, it was a very moving and strengthening experience.

As I pondered the cross that Jesus was willing to carry for me, I prayed for the courage to bear my own little crosses in life with more strength, submission, and gratitude.

Have you ever walked along a trail and felt like the journey was a time of prayer?

I’m so glad that God has put the beauty of mountains, oceans, trees, rivers, flowers and deserts into this world and continues to allow us to meet Him in all those places . . . as well as in cathedrals, churches . . . and our own living rooms.


P.S. – if you haven’t found it yet, be sure to check out the Penny’s Project blog, where you can join Penny Sullivan (the character in Stepping Into Sunlight) as she seeks to do a small step of kindness for a new person each day.

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Stops #9 & #10 – Sharon and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

One of the fun things about store visits, was that I spotted many of my friends. T.L. Higley was everywhere – several copies deep with her new book. Katie Cushman was on some key front tables, as was Robin Parrish. Sherri Sand had shelf space with her debut novel at almost every store. Donita K. Paul had long rows of all her dragon books, and Susan May Warren was prominently featured in most of the stores—often on the end of the row. Those are just a few of the examples that had me smiling.

After hours of traffic around Chicago, we stopped in Elgin for one of our last two store visits.

The manager, Kerrie Vujnovich, of the Family Christian in Elgin greeted us with a huge grin and thanked me for coming in. She shared her enthusiasm for the new store’s growth, in spite of challenges of the economy or competing stores. She described herself as an avid reader, and was delighted to get signed book-plates and bookmarks from me. She said there are some fiction readers on her staff who would be thrilled. I felt very blessed to be wrapping up my store visits with this extra-positive experience. Please stop in and visit her!

With one last bag of goodies to deliver, we stopped in at an independent bookstore in Janesville, WI, called BookWorld. A cozy seating area is surrounded by loads of shelves with an eclectic mix of genres. I found quite a bit of Christian fiction (Jan Karon, Bev Lewis, Jerry Jenkins) intermingled with all the other fiction. It was fun to see these voices side-by-side with various NYTime bestsellers. The young clerk told me how much she loves working among books. We both agreed that books are like friends—and spending time in a bookstore is a dream job.

Feeling like I’d done all I could to let a few more retailers know about my books, and happy that I’d offered a bit of gratitude and encouragement for all their efforts, Ted and I headed to KFC for a well-earned supper.

The next day we did a little hiking in Wisconsin. I’ll share some photos from our downtime next.


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Stops #7 & #8 – Sharon and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

We stopped into the Mishawaka Borders store, and had a great talk with one of the managers. They had a healthy section of Christian fiction and he said it does very well for them. In fact, he said they are thinking they may need to begin to sub-categorize by genres within the Christian fiction section, because there are so many books now.

One thing he mentioned echoed something several other retailers had said. “It’s good you’re making visits to stores. You can’t rely on the industry to get your books on the shelves these days.”

I’d heard that message even before my first novel was contracted, and I understand the value of making connections with the folks who do the work of getting my books into the hands of readers. But it does raise the question for me—how do I balance speaking, media interviews, bookstore visits, and office work with my primary calling to write fiction?

Recently I was privileged to hear a top best-selling author speak about marketing. She said she spends about ten hours doing office/administrative/marketing work for each one hour she actually writes. It has clearly worked, and is the right balance for her. But if I did that, at my modest writing pace, it would take me the rest of my life to complete another novel. So I’m still chewing on how God is calling me to spend my hours.

One last stop in Mishawaka, at the Barnes and Noble. One of the staff at the information desk was happy to have me sign the books they had on the shelf. They had a huge section of Christian fiction, and I thanked them for carrying such a great variety.

Tomorrow – ending the road trip on a high note. 🙂


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