Thursday July 31st, Ted and I hit the road at daybreak heading from Minneapolis to South Bend so I could do a television interview.
We pulled off the freeway occasionally looking for bookstores – just so I could pop in and say hello to retailers who make my job possible. We saw lots of lovely little towns, but not many bookstores. However, we kept seeing the word “book” as in “Scrapbook.” As Ted put it, “Scrapbooking is alive and well in rural Wisconsin.”
Eventually, with a combination of Mapquest, my daughter’s help from home using Google, and a little serendipity, we found bookstores and managed to visit ten different stores on the way to South Bend and back. For the next several days, I’ll feature some of the stores I visited and the great managers I met.
Our first live contact was a Family Christian Store in Madison, WI. The very gracious Amy Oleszek gave me a warm welcome. She showed me the fiction shelves, which had some of my books (hooray!) I asked how the store has been doing, since so many retailers are struggling these days. She said that sales were down a little last winter, and as she prayed about it, she resolved to trust that God is in control. She also began to come in early and walk through the store praying over it. It’s been doing better recently, and she’s continuing to trust God. I loved her example of committed service and quiet faith.
The store was beautiful, and I told her that I pray for Christian bookstores often because I know they are more than just stores, but also a place of ministry. Amy agreed. She feels called to be there to answer questions, help people find books they need, and pray for her customers. She also made my day by telling me that their fiction section has been strong.
So if you’re in the Madison, WI area, be sure to stop by and say hello to Amy. I left some bookmarks with her for my most recent book and my upcoming book, so ask her if they still have some when you visit her store. ☺
Sharon Hinck
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller (2008 Audie Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer (2008 Christy Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance, ACFW BOTY finalist)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets
Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight
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