Galleys are Done!

I began writing STEPPING INTO SUNLIGHT two and a half years ago. Last week the big envelope arrived of the galleys. Galleys are a “mock-up” of how the book will look in print, and they are my last chance to go through and hunt for typos, or little editorial changes that were made at various stages that I want to tweak. Normally I’m so sick of the manuscript by the time galleys arrive, it’s a difficult chore. But I spent the last week truly enjoying the experience. I got up early each morning and sat in the back yard, listened to birds chirp, felt the warm June breeze on my face, sipped tea, and read with a red pen in my hand, and post-it flags at hand.

I always appreciate the design ideas that I see for the first time when the galleys arrive. Once again, I was delighted by the layout and the bits of art at the chapter headings.

And even though I’ve wrestled with this story for so long, there were scenes that really spoke to me in a fresh way. That was a rare gift.

Yesterday a friend hand-delivered the completed galleys to my publisher.

I’m celebrating that God gave me health and strength to finish rewrites this past year, and that proofing the galleys was such a happy experience this time. And I’m praying this book will give a voice to some of the “invisible wounded” who are all around us.

Here’s a little info about the book – which releases in September:

A Navy chaplain’s wife witnesses a violent crime and struggles with post traumatic stress while her husband is on his first deployment. Far from family and friends, she fights to heal for the sake of her seven-year-old son, even though ordinary tasks take heroic efforts. She’s haunted by flashbacks and is tormented by fear, so she designs a project to speed her recovery: doing one small, kind act for a different person each day. Along the way, God’s grace meets her in unexpected ways, and multiplies her tiny steps of kindness.


“Like Sharon Hinck’s heroine, I, too, witnessed a crime. It’s been years, but I relived every emotion along with Penny Sullivan. Told with humor and lump-in-the-throat insight, Stepping into Sunlight is a compelling story of learning to live again after trauma. This was my first Sharon Hinck novel, but it garnered her a permanent spot on my favorite authors list.”– Deborah Raney, author of A Vow to Cherish and The Clayburn Novels series

“With emotional and spiritual honesty, Stepping into Sunlight chronicles the rebirth of faith and courage in a young woman traumatized by the unthinkable. Penny, Sharon Hinck’s authentic and endearing heroine, is so convincing that I found myself, well, praying for her. That’s compelling fiction! I laughed. I cried. I asked God a lot of questions. In the end, Hinck’s concise yet poetic language ushered me into a worshipful place. Stepping into Sunlight definitely prospered my soul.” — Patti Hill, author of The Queen of Sleepy Eye

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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American Christian Fiction Writer’s Conference

Last September, I attended my first ACFW conference. I’d been a member of ACFW for many years, and it was ridiculous I hadn’t made it to the national conference any sooner. I happened upon the Mount Hermon conference during my first year of writing, and that became my annual writer’s conference. But friends continued to encourage me to attend ACFW, so last September I headed to Dallas.

I’ll be honest. I approached the conference with some fear.

The year before had held a bunch of challenges. I was weary. In fact, I felt like a pheasant at hunting season – hit with buckshot and peppered with wounds.

It’s hard hanging out with others when you feel like you’re full of holes.

When I arrived in Dallas, I asked God to do a healing work. Then I waited for the big moment where He’d wash over me. But that wasn’t how He worked.

Instead, each conversation, each encounter, held balm for one of my small holes. Little by little, He brought targeted and specific restoration through the love and wisdom of people at the conference. Bits of knowledge I lacked. Words of comfort I ached for. Opportunities to encourage someone else in their efforts. Deep talks in the halls. Giggles with my roommate at night. Even making new friends while on the shuttle to the airport at the end of the conference.

I know I’m not the only one who experienced the “God-encounters” that seemed to spring up everywhere I turned.

This year, I’m even more excited to attend…

1. To watch and see what God has in mind and how He will meet me
2. To welcome Christian writers to my home state – HOORAY MINNESOTA!!!
3. To offer a workshop on the writing journey, with tips, encouragement, and resources that every novelist should stuff in their backpack while heading out on the adventure of pursuing publication

My best tip for new attendees (as I was last year): Planning is fine, but be ready to toss aside your personal agenda and be open to God’s side-tracks. This is a conference that is bathed in prayer, and infused with worship. As is true whenever God is involved, you can prepare to be amazed, occasionally bewildered, and thoroughly blessed.

Hope to see you there!

You can read more about the conference on the ACFW Conference Blog Tour by visiting these sites:

6/11/2008 Chip MacGregor
6/11/2008 Cara Putman
6/12/2008 Wanda Dyson
6/12/2008 Pamela James
6/13/2008 Jennifer AlLee
6/13/2008 Ane Mulligan
6/16/2008 Robin Miller
6/16/2008 Christina Nelson
6/17/2008 Annette Irby
6/18/2008 Martha Rogers
6/18/2008 Sharon Hinck
6/19/2008 Susan May Warren
6/20/2008 Camy Tang
6/23/2008 Deb Raney
6/23/2008 Ronie Kendig
6/24/2008 Colleen Coble
6/25/2008 Rachel Hauck
6/26/2008 Brandilyn Collins
6/26/2008 Cathy West
6/27/2008 Jill Elizabeth Nelson
6/28/2008 Eileen Watson
6/30/2008 Lynette Sowell
6/30/2008 Sue Brower
7/1/2008 Gina Conroy
7/2/2008 Lena Nelson Dooley
7/2/2008 Rachelle Gardner
7/3/2008 Linda Fulkerson
7/4/2008 Terry Burns
7/4/2008 Rebeca Yeager
7/7/2008 Susan Downs
7/7/2008 Carla Stewart
7/9/2008 Rebecca Germany
7/9/2008 Leanna Ellis
7/9/2008 Rose McCauley
7/10/2008 Sharon Dunn
7/11/2008 Pam Meyers
7/11/2008 JoAnne Simmons
7/14/2008 Celia Tomer
7/14/2008 Janice Olson
7/15/2008 Angie Bredenbach
7/16/2008 Christina Berry
7/17/2008 Roxanne Rustad
7/18/2008 Margaret Daley
7/18/2008 Margaret Daley
8/1/2008 Christa Allen
8/3/2008 Deborah Vogts
8/4/2008 Michelle Hutchinson
8/6/2008 Tiff Stockton
8/28/2008 Gail Gaymer Martin

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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Wordle on Restorer’s Journey

Click here for a better view.

I recently learned about Wordle
a place where you can create word clouds.

I had fun throwing a bunch of text from The Restorer’s Journey into the program and seeing what it created. If you’ve read the book, you’ll probably agree that this computer-generated bit of art captures an amazing essence!

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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West Coast Tour! 8 Authors, 8 Days!

An idea that’s been in the works since our east-coast tour last summer is finally firmed up and ready to be announced:

Eight Fantasy Authors. Six West Coast Cities. One Faith

DALLAS, TX, June 10, 2008— “West coast or bust!” is the rallying cry of eight Christian fantasy fiction authors on a fun-filled, grass roots mission to spread the good news about their fast-growing genre—now blazing hot with the ongoing releases of the Narnia movies. This fall, the Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour has set its course due west to visit thousands of fans at scheduled book-signings, school and church programs, humanitarian outreaches, and a book fair, October 4-12. For information, visit

More Authors, More Heart in 2008
The popular adage “the more, the merrier” best explains the fantasy fiction tour’s decision to double its membership to eight authors in 2008. Two women and six men wearing medieval cloaks and armed with swords of steel—and truth—comprise the eclectic band of faith-based storytellers. Though representing eight separate publishers and coming from different parts of the U.S, the authors are bound by their love for God and the fictional worlds, characters, and themes they have created in 37 ground-breaking novels.

Also new is the sojourners’ partnership with Character 4 Kids, a charitable outreach to place books with moral character and values into the hands of needy children in hospitals and after-school programs.

The History
On a shoe-string budget and a prayer, in 2007 the first-ever Christian fantasy fiction tour, known as the Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour, successfully launched with four authors caravanning to events in 15 cities throughout the eastern U.S. The unprecedented initiative drew the attention of fans, industry peers, and mainstream media.

While interest in other literary genres has declined over the last several years, Christian book sales have steadily grown at a rate of about 30 percent with annual revenues reaching $2.4 billion.

Meet the Authors
The Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour will feature the following authors:

• Sharon Hinck is a wife and mother of four from Minnesota. Sharon was named 2007 “Writer of the Year” at Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. In March, she released The Restorer’s Journey, the third book in her popular Sword of Lyric (NavPress) fantasy series for women. She is also author of the non-fantasy, award-winning The Secret Life of Becky Miller and the upcoming release of Stepping into Sunlight.

• Bryan Davis, a former computer professional living in Western Tennessee, is the author of two best-selling series for youth, titled Dragons in our Midst and Oracles of Fire. In May, Bryan debuted Beyond the Reflection’s Edge (Zondervan), the first book in his new fantasy series Echoes from the Edge, and the second book of the series Eternity’s Edge will release in October.

• Christopher Hopper is an international speaker, recording artist and ordained minister who lives with his wife and two children in northern New York. Christopher’s first book was the popular Rise of The Dibor, The White Lion Chronicles, and his latest book The Lion Vrie (Tsaba House) released last June.

• Wayne Thomas Batson is a public middle school teacher from Eldersburg, MD and author of two best-selling young adult fantasy series The Door Within trilogy and Isle of Swords (Thomas Nelson). His latest The Isle of Fire, the second in the Isle of Sword series, will release in September.

• Donita K. Paul is a retired school teacher from Colorado, whose passion for literacy compels her to speak in schools and libraries about the importance of story. Dragon Keeper Chronicles (Waterbrook Press), her five-book series, has won acclaim.

• LB Graham is a teacher at Westminster Christian Academy in St. Louis, MO. LB is the author of The Binding of the Blade (P&R Publishing), an epic five-volume series for fantasy readers of all ages. The much anticipated final installment in the series All My Holy Mountain will release in June.

• Jonathan Rogers grew up in Georgia near the swamps and riverbottoms where his The Wilderking (B&H Publishing) fantasy series is based. He holds a PH.D. in seventeenth-century English literature from Vanderbilt University and currently lives in Nashville, TN.

• Eric Reinhold is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, who lives with his wife and three children in Longwood, Florida. Eric writes for numerous financial magazines as a certified financial planner and serves as President of Academy Wealth Management. Ryann Watters and the King’s Sword (Creation House), the first book in his The Annals of Aeliana series, was released in May.

The 2007 Fantasy 4Fiction Tour was covered in the Washington Post, Fox News, Christian Retailing magazine,, Publisher’s Weekly magazine, and The Associated Press’ Everything Sacred broadcast, among other media outlets, and fantasy websites and blogs. For the second consecutive year, has signed on as a sponsor to outfit the authors with medieval swords and clothing.

Media interested in Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour interviews, book review copies, videos, photos and other information should contact Gregg Wooding, I AM PR Services, 972-567-7660 mobile or via email.

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27 Dresses

No, not the movie.
My recent weeks.

Here’s the thing.
I have a special event to attend in July, and decided it warranted a dress.

This led to great stress (Since I was a ballet teacher in the 80’s and 90’s, the “Flashdance” look – torn sweatshirt and leggings – was my idea of high fashion – my daughters shake their heads in dismay at me).

So I went to the local thrift store and found a beautiful floor-length dress that made me feel like Cinderella – boned bodice, embroidery, satin, tulle under-skirt…
But when I saw photos of the event, most of the people wore “going-to-church” clothes rather than gala clothes, and I didn’t want to overdo.

So I have a dress I wore to my eldest son’s wedding – but it wasn’t my color (it was lavender to go with the wedding colors). I got the bright idea to dye it…which resulted in an afternoon of Lucile-Ball proportions as I Rit Dyed my laundry room. It actually came out okay, but in the process of dying it a lovely blue shade in the washing machine, the little sequins basted to a few spots on the bodice fell off and left little tufts of thread everywhere. I trimmed the threads but the dress still looked rather shabby-chic and no longer a “dress-up” sort of dress.

SOOOO I ordered a dress off of E-bay which was a “Celtic-inspired” long dress with satin inset panels in the skirt, and from the photo looked perfect – plus it was only $19. HA! It arrived and was a little cotton SUNDRESS! No satin inset…just some shiny thread… It’ll be great to wear on the book tour in the fall with a tee-shirt under it…but is NOT at all dressy.

SOOO I went out hunting some more. My biggest problem (besides being ultra-frugal) was that everything was either dowdy or sleezy – nothing in between. What’s up with that?? I didn’t want something so skimpy I had to tape it to me to be sure no one saw anything they shouldn’t. And I didn’t want to look like Queen Elizabeth in some floral monstrosity.

Yesterday I found a little black dress with a draped neckline, capped sleeves, and a bit of sparkle on the shoulders. That will have to do. Fashion is SO not my area. 🙂

Then came the issue of shoes.
I don’t own high heels except for some tap shoes. My feet went through so much in my years in dance, I always go for comfort these days. I have some black flats, but they looked rather blah with the dress.

SOOOOooo, my dear husband took the taps off my shoes last night.
I might be tempted to launch into a time step or two, but I’ll look formal and understated while doing so.

Problem solved. Now I’m off to enjoy my garden where the irises are blooming and reminding me of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6. “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of teh field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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Favorite Fiction Moms

Thanks to everyone who participated in my recent blog contest and mentioned some of the beloved moms of fiction. In certain genres, single protagonists may be more common, but I’ve always believed that married women and moms have rich, layered lives and can take us on great emotional and spiritual adventures.

By the way, the photo is of my favorite NON-fiction mom. It’s my real life mom at a Mall of America book signing last year. Yep, she loved me enough to wear a red cape and stroll around helping draw people in.

Here were some of the fictional moms folks have loved to read about:

Caroline Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie
Claire from Leave it to Claire
Susan Mitchell from the Restorer books (Sword of Lyric series)
Elizabeth Baxter from the Redemption series
Becky Miler from The Secret Life of Becky Miller
Beth Branning from the Night Light series
Victoria Austin and Meg Murry from Madeleine L’Engle’s books
Deb Ralston from Lee Martin’s book
Marilla Cuthbert from Anne of Green Gables
Marty Davis from Love Comes Softly
Dianne Pierceson from The Schoolmaster’s Bride
Maddie in The Return of the Guardian King
Firebird in Kathy Tyers’ book
Amy Johnson in Symphony of Secrets
Marliyn Grimes in The Interruption of Everything
Reese in Accidental Happiness
Jean Waterman in Lucky Strike
Margaret “Marmee” March of Little Women

Congrats to Jenny (eviesmommo) who won the drawing. Her copy of Sherri’s book is in the mail. But we’re all winners, because we all have some new fictional moms to explore in the coming days!

Sharon Hinck

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In recent weeks, I’ve been listening to my iPod Bible. Hearing the Word in a new way has stirred some fresh insights, especially in the places where my eyes tend to glaze when reading (Leviticus, some of Numbers, etc.).

Yesterday I was listening to Joshua 13-19 . . . a detailed listing of the boundaries for each of the tribes in the Promised Land.

Even staring at my Bible map while listening, it got a little tedious listening to the names, the cities, the geographical descriptions.

But I was struck by how Joshua cast lots “in the presence of the Lord” to set up the territories. In other words, God set the boundaries.

How often I’ve looked at someone else’s life and murmured to God, “Look at the great land they are inhabiting. Look at how wide their territory is extending. Why does my spot of service in your kingdom seem so tiny? So arid? So unimportant by comparison?”

Listening to the book of Joshua challenged me to be grateful for the metaphoric land He’s allowed me to inhabit, and reminded me to trust His boundaries. If I’m not able to serve in a certain ministry at my church, I can rejoice for those who are called to it, and trust God has something else in mind for me. If my books don’t reach as large an audience as I’d hoped, I can thank Him for the great authors who inhabit vast territories for His glory and thank him for the tiny foothill where He’s allowed me to build a village. If my prayer life feels like a tiny barren cave instead of lush and fruitful vineyards, I can trust that God is producing what He needs to within the little cave.

One more lovely thought from Joshua. In the opening chapter, God says to Joshua over and over, “Be strong and courageous.” In his farewell speech to Israel much later, Joshua says to the people, “Be strong.” I loved that parallel. What God spoke into his life, Joshua lived and then spoke into the lives of others. Isn’t that cool?

On another note, one of my favorite sites reporting on books, music, and movies is Title Trakk. They recently posted a review of Symphony of Secrets. Of course I’m always grateful when someone appreciates what I’m striving for in my stories–but I was particularly blessed by this review because it was so beautifully written – evoking the imagery of a symphony in the description. If you have a moment, stop by to check it out!

And you can still enter the drawing for a free copy of Sherri Sand’s debut novel in the prior post. I’ve loved hearing everyone’s contributions for favorite fictional moms!

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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A Visit from Sherri Sand & Free Book!

I’m delighted to announce the debut novel of one of my best friends, Sherri Sand.

Sherri and I met at Mt. Hermon many years ago. We immediately found that “kindred spirit” bond. We sat side-by-side in the fiction track, discussed various approaches to writing, and delved into our faith journey. In future years we giggled together as roommates, and cried together over hard lessons and rough roads.

We also became critique buddies. I always love getting feedback from Sherri on a batch of chapters, because we “get” each other. I know she’ll dig deep and find plenty of things for me to fix, but she’ll also look at the big picture and encourage me when the story is touching her heart–and that’s what we both long to do with our stories: glorify God and touch hearts.

We pray with and for each other often – via phone and email. When she called to tell me about her contract offer, I think I was more excited than when I got my own first contract. I know you’ll enjoy her book. She pours her love for God into her stories. Here’s some info:


Single mom of three, Sierra Montgomery is desperate to find a new job to keep from having to move back home and be smothered to death by her mother’s good intentions and overbearing love. So when Sierra inherits Chance, a quirky old gelding she doesn’t have a clue what to do with, she thinks her best bet may be to sell the horse to cover another month’s rent—a decision that devastates her children.

Enter Ross Morgan, a handsome landscaper who just happens to have an empty barn and fenced pasture…perfect for an old horse to live out his days as the pet of three wounded kids. Ross develops a soft spot for eldest child Braden…and he just might have one for Braden’s mother. But what he doesn’t have is time for distractions—he’s got a landscaping business to run.

But Sierra has a secret. She’s terrified of horses and—thanks to her past—wary of attractive men. Yet seeing the way her angry son idolizes Ross and adores that old horse forces Sierra to confront her fears. Will she remain distrustful and self-reliant, or will she seek help from God and those who love her?

You can visit Sherri at her website, and find her books at major stores or order online.

And for some extra fun, I’m holding a contest!

“Moms in Fiction”

Sherri and I both write heroines who are moms. Post a comment about some of your favorite moms in fiction, along with a current email where I can reach you, and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a free copy of Leave it to Chance!

A few of my favorites? Anne Blythe (of L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Ingleside), Mrs. Murry (in Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time), Mibby (in Patti Hill’s Like a Watered Garden).

Can’t wait to hear your favorites!

Sharon Hinck
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller (2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer (2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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A Visit from Angela Hunt

Angela Hunt is a prolific contemporary novelist and a gifted teacher of fiction. I was blessed to learn from her at a writer’s conference, and also benefited from her generosity as she gave me tips on how to handle certain aspects of the writing life.

I’m pleased to let you know about her latest book release.

She Always Wore Red
by Angela Hunt
(Tyndale House)

Jennifer Graham—mother, student, and embalmer’s apprentice—could use a friend. She finds one in McLane Larson, a newcomer to Mt. Dora. While McLane’s soldier-husband serves overseas, Jen promises to support McLane, then learns that her tie to this woman goes far deeper than friendship. When a difference of opinion threatens their relationship, Jennifer discovers weaknesses in her own character . . . and a faith far stronger than she had imagined.

A Romantic Times Top Pick! “Be prepared to shed a few tears in Hunt’s emotionally gripping tale, the second in the Fairlawn series. With themes of family, friendship, and trusting God, the plot is enhanced by realistic and engaging characters. Jennifer’s growth as a character is evident, and the supporting cast enhances the story in a significant way. “ –Melissa Parcels, Romantic Times reviewer

A Few Questions For Angie:

Q: The first book in this series is Doesn’t She Look Natural? Do people have to read the first book in order to understand the second? (And congratulations on the Christy Award nomination for that title!)

A. Thank you–I’m honored. And no, people don’t have to read the first book first, though it’s always nice to read the books in order to get a sense of the story and background. But all the books will work as single title reads.

Q: The Fairlawn series is set in a funeral home. Did you observe the embalming process in your research? Or just read about it/interview morticians?

A. Unfortunately, with the advent of all the new privacy laws (HIPPA, anyone?), I was unable to observe an embalming–and believe me, I was ready and willing. So most of my research came from books, photographs, and interviews (and once you announce that you’re working on funeral homes, morticians seem to come out of the woodwork!)

It just so happens that one of my Tyndale editors grew up in a funeral home. She has been a great asset–she gave me the idea for the funny flower arrangements and the funeral singers, plus I had written a scene in book three where Jen and Gerald sit down to eat a steak in the prep room. My editor said that didn’t feel right. “Too weird?” I asked. “No,” she said. “There’s always an odor in that room . . . not very appetizing.”

Ah. That’s the sort of thing you can’t always get from a book. :-/

Q: The setting–a funeral home–is unique, but these books are really about the typical challenges that face women today, right?

A: Oh, yes. Jennifer is a single mom juggling school, motherhood, and a career–and I think most modern women can relate to her. I certainly can.

Thanks for stopping by, Angie!
You can order the book here, and visit Angie at her website here.

Sharon Hinck

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