The Secret Life of Becky Miller in Holland

Today’s mail brought a great treat:

the Dutch-language version of The Secret Life of Becky Miller.

I love the cover they did – and hope that women in the Netherlands will enjoy reading about a North-American mom and her imaginative daydreams.

I’m doing a happy dance (wearing wooden clogs, of course). Now if my tulips would just come up (spring is late here in Minnesota) I could get in the spirit of Holland even more!

Sharon Hinck
Sharon’s Books

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A Visit from Beth White

by Elizabeth White

Matt Hogan’s Memphis detective agency has been on the skids since a recent attack of conscience cost him an important case. When a wealthy investor steps in and saves River City Investigations, Matt thinks all his prayers have been answered-until he finds out that with the investor comes a new partner.

Fresh out of criminal justice school and a two-year stint in the Tunica County Sheriff’s Department, Natalie Tubberville is out to prove she can cut it in the world of private investigations. But her reluctant partner is just as determined to have nothing to do with her–until Natalie makes him an offer he can’t refuse! If Matt solves the next case before she does, she will return her share of the company.

And the race is on. As two strong personalities compete, mutual attraction grows…while a simple case of a runaway bride threatens to become an international incident. Will Matt and Natalie call off the competition-or discover an entirely new arrangement?

Q: What’s the craziest thing you ever did in the name of research?

You mean besides get married?? JUST KIDDING! Once when I was working on “The Trouble With Tommy,” I went on a coon hunt with my uncle and my son. I did not carry a gun–but my son did. He was about fourteen at the time and had never been hunting before. You coon hunt at night, so we all wore these helmet like hardhats with headlights on the front. We put the dogs in their carrier on the back of the four-wheeler and they’re barking their heads off as we drive through the woods. Finally we stop and let the dogs out and follow them, listening for the change in their baying. When a dog trees a raccoon it’s very distinct. Even an ignoramus like me can hear it. So my son was so excited he could hardly hold onto the bullets as he loaded them in the gun. I won’t go into the details, but it was hilarious and gross and totally a South Mississippi experience.

Who’s your favorite author?

I have lots of favorites, but I’ve always loved Max Brand. His real name was Frederick Faust–and he wrote totally campy westerns back in the 1920’s and 30’s. In fact he created Destry of Destry Rides Again and Dr. Kildare! His heroes were daring and funny, and he’s the only male writer I know who could consistently do a decent romance. You gotta check him out!

What was the most fun experience you’ve ever had as a writer?

Writing is not fun. I’m serious! Researching is fun. Answering fan letters is fun. Writing answers to blog interviews is even fun. Walking through a bookstore and seeing my name on a shelf is fun. Writing is, like someone said, “like shoving a refrigerator uphill.” Well, okay, if you insist. I adore writing the scene at the end where the hero and heroine get together. I just melt into a puddle every time. We old married people know that the real work begins there, but gosh, don’t you just love that hopeful spot of pure joy?

Please visit Beth on the web


Thanks for visiting, Beth! Blessings on your new release!

Sharon Hinck

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Blogging at Faithchicks Today

Here’s a photo of a signing I did a week or so ago with my friend, Jill Elizabeth Nelson (on the right), at the Barnes and Noble in Mankato, MN. LaRae Bisel (center) is the AMAZING Community Relations Manager, who made it a fun event.

Last night, the online chat with the ACFW Bookclub was a BLAST – the room was packed, and the questions were great. I couldn’t type fast enough.

Today I’m blogging about The Cyberworld – Bane or Blessing – over at Faithchicks.
Pop over and leave your best advice for us!

Sharon Hinck
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller (2008 Audie Award finalist – Inspirational category)
The Restorer (2008 Christy finalist – Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 star/Road to Romance Reviewer’s Choice Award)
and new releases: The Restorer’s Journey, and Symphony of Secrets

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Online Chat Tonight – You’re Invited!

Hi, everyone!
Please stop by the ACFW Bookclub Chat tonight. I have an irrational fear of sitting alone in a cyber-room, drinking cyber-tea and typing emoticons to myself. So please pop by. You can ask me any questions you want.

That’s Monday, May 5th, 7pm central time.

(Sorry, I’m not good at translating that to eastern or pacific time – but I hope you can!)

AND if you want any interesting tidbits of my life, I recently popped down to Australia (virtually, not literally, more’s the pity) for a very fun interview with Relz Reviews.

Hope to chat with you soon!

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2008 Christy Award Finalist – The Restorer

I just learned that The Restorer, (my fantasy/women’s-fiction novel about a middle-American mom pulled through a portal into another world to fill a heroic role for a nation waiting for a promised Restorer), is a finalist for the Christy award!

I’m so in awe of God’s kindness and unexpected blessings.

You can read about this award at the Christy Award site.

I’m particularly honored for two reasons. The 2007 year saw a wealth of beautiful Christian fiction in the “Visionary” category — and I have huge respect for the other authors in the field and their work. On top of that, the two other nominees are amazing. Jeff Overstreet’s book, Auralia’s Colors, garnered super reviews — it’s on the shelf near my bed waiting to be read. Stephen Lawhead (his novel, Scarlet, is nominated) has been an author I’ve revered since college (many many years ago). He’s truly one of the great Christian fantasy and adventure authors of our time.

Looking over the list of nominees in all the categories filled me with gratitude toward God. I’ve always believed that He is so awesome and multi-faceted that we need a variety of ways to communicate about Him – every form of art. And within the art form of the novel, we need a variety of genres and voices. I’m thrilled by the skilled authors who are serving Him by writing novels – contemporary, historical, humorous “lits”, romance, suspense, visionary, and more.

Sharon Hinck

Sharon’s Books

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Book Chat and Book Give-away!

April 20-30, the ACFW Online Book Club is chatting about The Restorer’s Son. You can join in the yahoo group by clicking “join” at this link.

Everyone who reads the book and participates in the discussion will be entered in a drawing for one of FIVE free copies of the next book in the series, The Restorer’s Journey. The winners will be announced at the live on-line chat on May 5th.

So come over today! It’s a warm lively group, and I’ll be popping in to join the discussion and answer questions.


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A Visit from Amy Wallace

I had the privilege of reading an early copy of Healing Promises by Amy Wallace. Be sure to read her first book, Ransomed Dreams, for an even better experience of enjoying this new novel.

Healing Promises was one of the most compelling stories I read last year – full of spiritual depth, rich with authentically drawn struggles, yet also packed with hope. Amy Wallace humanizes the typical heroic character in a powerful way. I identified with Clint’s battle as his own body betrayed him, and with Sara’s journey toward trusting God even when it hurt too much to hope. I couldn’t put the book down, and left the story encouraged and inspired.

Here’s some more info:

Facing a new threat
When FBI Agent Clint Rollins takes a bullet during a standoff, it might just save his life. But not even the ugly things he’s seen during his years working in the Crimes Against Children Unit could prepare him for the overwhelming powerlessness of hospital tests revealing an unexpected diagnosis. If only Sara weren’t retreating into doctor mode…he needs his wife now more than ever.

Frozen in fear
Sara Rollins is an oncologist with a mission–beating cancer when she can, easing her patients’ suffering at the very least. Now the life of her tall Texan husband is at stake. She never let the odds steal her hope before, but now the question of God’s healing promises is personal. Can she hold on to the truth she claimed to believe?

Faith under fire
As Clint continues to track down a serial kidnapper despite his illness, former investigations haunt his nightmares, pushing him beyond solving the case into risking his life and career. Clint struggles to believe God is still the God of miracles. Especially when he needs not one, but two. Everything in his life is reduced to one all-important question: Can God be trusted?

Visit Amy’s “Heart Chocolate” website and sign up for her Dark Chocolate Suspense newsletter here.
Ransomed Dreams at Amazon
Healing Promises at Amazon
Ransomed Dreams first chapter
Healing Promises first chapter

Order “Healing Promises”

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Multi-author Events

Since being published, I’ve been blessed with many opportunities to partner with other authors – on book tours, speaking events, book signings, panel discussions. There is a great joy in spending time on an effort that doesn’t focus on promoting my own work, but ministering to people and supporting the work of other Christian authors.

I’m part of a fun event coming up on April 26 at the Maple Grove Northwestern Bookstore in Minnesota. Lisa Barry, from KTIS, will facilitate chats on stage with each of the participating authors. I know and admire each of these authors, and can’t wait to spend time with them again. We’ll also have oodles of prizes for folks who stop in the story, and special goodies for those who purchase books.

The events manager, Bev, even created a seed packet (complete with flower seeds inside!) using the covers of all our books. I posted photos of the packets below. What a fun, creative gift! Bev always makes these in-store events extra special. If you know anyone in the Twin Cities area, be sure to let them know, so they don’t miss this fun afternoon!


Sharon’s Books

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Speaking of Gifts

In honor of all the spring events approaching (Mother’s Day, Graduations, etc.) I’ve discounted all my books at the marvelous site called:

Signed By the Author

You can order any of my books and have them autographed and personalized (especially fun if you want to give them as gifts!)

Symphony of Secrets is a PERFECT end-of-the-year gift for music teachers, choir directors, church music ministers, etc.

The Secret Life of Becky Miller and Renovating Becky Miller are great for Mother’s Day, for new-baby gifts, or for your MOPS or Moms-in-Touch ministry leader.

The Sword of Lyric Series is a fun graduation gift – fantasy novels about the hero’s journey – for young heroes beginning their adventures in life.

Happy Gift Giving!

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