Category Archives: Book Buzz

Forsaken Island Villages

Which Forsaken Island Village Would Be Your Hometown?

(contributed by Caitlin Eha)

In Forsaken Island, Carya travels to a mysterious island where each village is identified by color—the color of a star rain phase, to be exact. Each village has a culture as unique as its color identifier.

Curious which village you’d belong to? Take the short, no-spoiler quiz below to find out! Simply keep track of your answers and add them up when you’re done, then scroll down to discover your results.

Forsaken Island Cover

1. Which pastime is most important to you?

A. Art

B. Sports

C. Invention

D. Exploration

2. When you encounter a kind stranger, how do you respond?

A. I invite the stranger to have a meal with me.

B. I challenge him or her to a competitive game.

C. I don’t have time to deal with strangers.

D. It depends on the situation.

3. Choose a favorite color.

A. Green

B. Red

C. Blue

D. None of these

4. How do you feel about dancing?

A. I’ll dance all day and night!

B. Dancing? You mean a duel?

C. Dancing is a waste of time.

D. Dancing sounds like fun.

5. Which quality is most important?

A. Creativity

B. Strength

C. Ingenuity

D. Independence

6. Where is your favorite place to be?

A. An arts and crafts festival

B. A gym

C. An electronics store

D. Wherever the road takes me

7. If you could only keep one memory, what would you choose to remember?

A. How to create my greatest work of art

B. How to win a duel

C. How to build my greatest invention

D. How to recognize my loved ones

Now, add up your responses for each letter:

A______    B______    C______    D______   

Check below to find out your village!

If you got mostly As…


You value creativity of all kinds and have a knack for arts and crafts. You tend to be generous and welcoming to strangers, but you may find it hard to accept their foreign ideas.

If you got mostly Bs…

Your village is…RED STAR RAIN VILLAGE!

You value strength and measure others by their ability to best you in all kinds of challenges. Your competitive spirit can drive you to do great things, but it can also make you a little too reckless.

If you got mostly Cs…


You value invention and are always looking for ways to improve the world around you by building something new. You pour your heart and soul into your projects, but you rarely have time for anything else.

If you got mostly Ds…

You are…A REMNANT!

Remnants don’t belong to a specific village and therefore aren’t bound by the same restrictions as villagers. You value independence and the ability to chart your own course. You are free to explore, but sometimes you wish you had a place to call home.

Discover these villages and more in Forsaken Island, releasing September 15, 2020 and now available for preorder!

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Pre-order Gift for All – Hidden Current

pre-order gift

I’m so excited about the upcoming new fantasy series, The Dancing Realms, that I created a unique pre-order gift in anticipation of the first book’s release. If you have already ordered the hard cover edition of Hidden Current (book one in The Dancing Realms series) or order it during September or October, just contact me with a proof of purchase.

I’ll email you a pdf file. It’s an annotated version of the first chapter of Hidden Current, full of my notes, doodles, and insider info about how the story grew. Later, readers will have opportunities to enter drawings for other prizes. But this gift is for EVERYONE who pre-orders this new hard cover edition!

This unique annotated chapter will be an exclusive gift for those who pre-order the hard cover limited edition of Hidden Current, so don’t miss your chance.

You can contact me – sharon at sharonhinck dot com. An easy proof of purchase is a screen shot of your order confirmation. Looking forward to hearing from you! I’m delighted to share this special pre-order gift with you!


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When the Road is Hard

Have you found that the road you are journeying is more difficult than you ever expected? Do you have friends who have been pulled into a world they never anticipated? A child diagnosed with illness, a spouse’s job loss, a parent with dementia, a friend battling cancer?

I wrote The Restorer for you. Susan Mitchell is literally pulled into another world, on a journey much harder than she could imagine. Yet by God’s grace, she offers heroic support to those who need her help.

If you find escaping into an inspiring and imaginative novel encouraging, then I have good news. This Labor Day weekend, The Restorer is on sale–on multiple e-book platforms–for only 99 cents!

Even more exciting, if you order the paperback version on Amazon, you’ll be able to grab the Kindle version for free!!

Here’s the link to share:

If you already own The Restorer, please help me spread the word. Let your friends who need an exciting and uplifting story know about this brief sale opportunity.

Thanks so much!!!! May the One strengthen you on your journey!

Sharon Hinck

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Hidden Current Cover Reveal

I’m so excited to finally be able to share the amazing cover and the pre-order link for my new novel, Hidden Current. Can you see me Snoopy dancing? And speaking of dancing …

What inspired this new series?

Years before I wrote my first novel, I worked as a dance teacher, choreographer, and artistic director of a Christian dance company. So, when my agent and I were discussing ideas for my next book, he said, “In all your other novels, you’ve never drawn from your experience in dance. I’d love to see you create a brand-new fantasy world and utilize dance in some way.”

I began mulling the idea, and within days, a character had come to life.

In my new novel, Hidden Current, the dancers of the Order direct their floating world with their movements but are steering it toward destruction. One lone dancer fights to overcome opposition from rim villages and treachery from the all-powerful Order and bring a forgotten truth to her people.

Is this part of a series?

Yes and no. This is a stand-alone story. That means that although I’ve written more books with these characters, you don’t have to wait for the series to release, fearing an unresolved ending to book one. The story is complete of itself, with just a hint of the next adventure to follow. I’ve turned in the second book and am ¾ of the way through writing book three, and my publisher is planning rapid releases of the following books. Hooray!

Why should I pre-order now?

This is being released in limited edition hardcover. That means when it’s gone, it’s gone.

Is this similar to the Sword of Lyric books?

Yes and no. It’s not a “portal fantasy” – no modern-day character visits this world. However, like my other fantasy series, the book was inspired by spiritual themes, delves deeply into the heart of a character that many of us can relate to, and paints a unique story world full of both beauty and dangers. I’m so excited for its release!

How can I help?

Let your friends know, share photos and links, but most of all pray. Pray that the themes of this story will touch hearts and draw readers toward the grace and truth of God’s love.

Thanks! And feel free to leave any other questions and comments here!

Sharon Hinck

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A New Contract – A New Chapter

A New Contract!

Hi, dear friends,

It’s finally time to officially share the news about a new chapter in my writing life.New Contract

This is a photo of me with my wonderful agent, Steve Laube, who delivered this book contract in person. (Okay, he was in town for other reasons, but still, it was fun to celebrate in person.)

I signed a three-book contract with Enclave for my new fantasy series, “The Dancing Realms.”

Yes, it draws from my years as a ballet teacher, choreographer, and dancer — although in some unexpected ways.

It’s also inspired by a poignant verse in the Old Testament book of 2 Kings: “Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, ‘I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the Lord.’ He gave it to Shaphan, who read it.

The notion of a world losing or forgetting all about their Maker is heartbreaking, and of course sets a stage for someone to heed the call to expose the lies of the Order who are exerting harmful control over the entire world.

That’s enough of a tease for now. The first story, Hidden Current, will release in June. I’ll keep you posted on progress!


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Reader Art

Reader Art

Reader art is fun!

Over the years, readers of the Sword of Lyric books have created sketches, poems, banners, jewelry, or photos of themselves playing Perish (the game that Kieran and Zarek play in The Restorer’s Son.) One year, I hosted a songwriting contest.  The beautiful lyrics submitted by readers of the series filled me with awe. I always feel honored when other artists springboard from these stories and create something new.

New Inspiration

Yesterday, a reader sent me her digital image of Susan riding Mara. Thank you, Kristi Simonson, for sharing this with us! She found comfort in the stories during a difficult time of life.

If you have created any fan art – a poem, drawing, song, painting, please send it to me so I can share it with other readers. One of the fans of the Sword of Lyric series has started a special Facebook group “People of the Verses” for discussing the books. If you’re interested, check it out!

Haven’t read the books yet? The paperback editions are now BACK IN PRINT! The “buy” button is activated at Amazon. They may show as “Out of Stock” but as soon as people begin ordering again, they will get back into the pipeline and on the way to you.

The Restorer

The Restorer’s Son

The Restorer’s Journey

The Deliverer


Sharon Hinck

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Congrats to Winner of Drawing for A Novel Idea

Last week I shared a special drawing for readers of my blog. Those of you who spotted the item and left a comment were entered to win a free book.

I realize there are wonderful technological ways to do a drawing these days, however I wrote out each name on a scrap of paper, mixed them up, and then drew one at random. Low tech works, too. LOL!

Drumroll please….the winner is:


Congratulations, Ruth, and I’ll get you the copy of A Novel Idea soon.

Thanks to everyone who played, AND for your encouraging comments about books that you enjoyed.

Have a super and blessed week!

Sharon HInck

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Audio Book Adventures

AudioThe other day I hiked the Appalachian Trail with my eyes closed, resting in bed and listening to the book A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. I’ve enjoyed other books of his, and looked forward to his marvelous tangents and witty and descriptive prose.

Enjoying this experience made me grateful that some of my novels have been made into audio books, with delightful professional narrators.

The Secret Life of Becky Miller is available on ChristianAudio, or Audible.

Renovating Becky Miller was even a finalist in the 2008 Audie Awards, Inspirational Category.

Many libraries also carry audio versions of those books, as well as Symphony of Secrets.

How about you? Do you enjoy listening to audio books? What are your favorites?

Please share any good ones you’ve heard recently! Thanks so much!


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Cowboy Fiction – Yes Please!


In my work as an editor, I get to know lots of writers, and decided to introduce you to someone you may not have met before, whom I always think of as a “cowboy author.”

My husband and I are huge fans of Longmire,

so the laconic noble hero of the west is no stranger to me. Still, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed David Griffith’s novels with a bronc-riding protagonist who fights to bring down drug trafficking. Start with his first novel, Blackwater Crossing, and I know you’ll be hooked, too.

I asked him to drop by blog today and answer a few questions. I hope you enjoy meeting him and that you check out his novels.

Sharon: Welcome, David! I remember the first time I chatted with you about your writing, you were on horseback, speaking from your cellphone. I knew you had an authentic perspective on the world you were writing about. What life experiences drew you to creating these stories?
David: My life has been largely confined to riding bucking horses in my earlier years followed by ranching. However, in one of the cattle downturn cycles, we decided to buy an apartment building. The problem was that the place had more drugs than tenants. Going toe to toe with drug dealers and junkies taught me a lot about bad real estate investments, but it also gave me a desire to know more about the source of this scourge that decimates our communities in North America. So what I write about the drug cartels is very much an offshoot of that experience.

Sharon: How do you approach the struggle of sharing spiritual truth and wisdom and keeping the story feeling authentic, fast-moving, and not agenda-driven?

David: Great question, and one that many Christian writers grapple with today. There are only a few big Christian publishers. As writers, we strive to fit in their slot. The new buzz words are “faith infused” versus “faith driven.” I understand that issue. If publishers don’t sell books they don’t survive, which means a percentage of their product may have to reach outside the church. I’ve always felt my calling as a writer is to put out stories that are so compelling that those who might be initially antagonistic to the message will be unable to put them down. God will take care of the rest.

Sharon: Which character is the most difficult for you to write, and why?

David: I have a hard time with female characters. I wing it, and my wife Pat gets a hundred questions. Would Clarissa do this . . . or that? She rolls her eyes and straightens me out. Clarissa has been difficult for me to portray, but she’s a ranch girl I understand. I have a series coming out soon with a young Mexican-American girl as the protagonist. She’s been a challenge, but I learned a lot, and I think readers are going to like Dina Rodriguez.

Sharon: Who are a few of your favorite authors?
David: I enjoy the great American and British classic writers of the past. Hemingway, Maugham, and Steinbeck come to mind as well as a handful of other more contemporary adventure story tellers like Louis L’Amour, Dick Francis, and Jeannette Walls. All of them are superb at painting vivid word pictures. That’s what I strive to do, so when I have time, I take author James Bell’s advice and watch good movies. They’re an excellent way to study interaction and dialogue.

Sharon: Thanks so much for visiting David, and blessings on your continued writing!

You can find his whole Border Series here:

Blackwater Crossing

The Death Dealers

Without Redemption




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