Which Forsaken Island Village Would Be Your Hometown?
(contributed by Caitlin Eha)
In Forsaken Island, Carya travels to a mysterious island where each village is identified by color—the color of a star rain phase, to be exact. Each village has a culture as unique as its color identifier.
Curious which village you’d belong to? Take the short, no-spoiler quiz below to find out! Simply keep track of your answers and add them up when you’re done, then scroll down to discover your results.

1. Which pastime is most important to you?
A. Art
B. Sports
C. Invention
D. Exploration
2. When you encounter a kind stranger, how do you respond?
A. I invite the stranger to have a meal with me.
B. I challenge him or her to a competitive game.
C. I don’t have time to deal with strangers.
D. It depends on the situation.
3. Choose a favorite color.
A. Green
B. Red
C. Blue
D. None of these
4. How do you feel about dancing?
A. I’ll dance all day and night!
B. Dancing? You mean a duel?
C. Dancing is a waste of time.
D. Dancing sounds like fun.
5. Which quality is most important?
A. Creativity
B. Strength
C. Ingenuity
D. Independence
6. Where is your favorite place to be?
A. An arts and crafts festival
B. A gym
C. An electronics store
D. Wherever the road takes me
7. If you could only keep one memory, what would you choose to remember?
A. How to create my greatest work of art
B. How to win a duel
C. How to build my greatest invention
D. How to recognize my loved ones
Now, add up your responses for each letter:
A______ B______ C______ D______
Check below to find out your village!
If you got mostly As…
You value creativity of all kinds and have a knack for arts and crafts. You tend to be generous and welcoming to strangers, but you may find it hard to accept their foreign ideas.
If you got mostly Bs…
Your village is…RED STAR RAIN VILLAGE!
You value strength and measure others by their ability to best you in all kinds of challenges. Your competitive spirit can drive you to do great things, but it can also make you a little too reckless.
If you got mostly Cs…
You value invention and are always looking for ways to improve the world around you by building something new. You pour your heart and soul into your projects, but you rarely have time for anything else.
If you got mostly Ds…
You are…A REMNANT!
Remnants don’t belong to a specific village and therefore aren’t bound by the same restrictions as villagers. You value independence and the ability to chart your own course. You are free to explore, but sometimes you wish you had a place to call home.
Discover these villages and more in Forsaken Island, releasing September 15, 2020 and now available for preorder!
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