Category Archives: Contests

Congrats to Winner of Drawing for A Novel Idea

Last week I shared a special drawing for readers of my blog. Those of you who spotted the item and left a comment were entered to win a free book.

I realize there are wonderful technological ways to do a drawing these days, however I wrote out each name on a scrap of paper, mixed them up, and then drew one at random. Low tech works, too. LOL!

Drumroll please….the winner is:


Congratulations, Ruth, and I’ll get you the copy of A Novel Idea soon.

Thanks to everyone who played, AND for your encouraging comments about books that you enjoyed.

Have a super and blessed week!

Sharon HInck


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A New Contest

The launch of The Deliverer is off to a rollicking good start, so it’s time for another contest. Everyone who shares this post  will be entered into a drawing for a free autographed paperback copy of “Renovating Becky Miller” (a lighthearted novel about the perils of home renovation and over ambition). You can use the buttons below this blog post, then please comment here to tell me where you shared it.

Reviews for The Deliverer:

“Best book in the series.” – Kat, Amazon reviewer

“Sharon Hinck has crafted a compelling plot, an entrancing setting, and characters that are so realistic I felt like I was welcoming long lost friends.” – Virginia, Amazon reviewer

“There were moments in this story where I was certain God was speaking to me and my situation.” – Gina, Amazon reviewer

More About the The Deliverer:

A lost songkeeper must lead her people to a long awaited Deliverer
Eager to serve the One, a young songkeeper travels to the dark and foreign nation of Hazor, but her confusing, rough-edged companion has lost his Restorer gifts. As danger rises against them both, she loses her freedom, her memories, and her hope. Now even the very music of her soul is threatened.

In our world, Susan Mitchell no longer feels at home in the carpool lane. Burdened by the unhealed scars from her trips through the portal, she fights to suppress her worry about her son, who remains out of contact in Lyric. But when a mysterious message hints Jake is in danger, she and her husband are swept away—to the place they least expect.

Clan rebellions. Lost Restorers. Has the One turned away, or will the face of the Deliverer bring light to the darkness? 

New to the series? Grab book one, The Restorer, for free on Kindle!
Sharon Hinck
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New Contest for Readers in 2012

A new contest to celebrate the re-release of the award-winning Sword of Lyric series!

The first book, The Restorer–Expanded Edition, released in October 2011 and The Restorer’s Son–Expanded Edition, releases in April 2012.

In thanks for your support for these books, we are holding a giveaway to get a FIRST PEEK of the all new bonus material in The Restorer’s Son–Expanded Edition!

And that’s not all–ONE grand prize winner will receive a canvas Restorer Book Bag full of goodies like: 4 other Sharon Hinck books, a Restorer t-shirt transfer, clavo tea, and other treats.

Sounds great, right? So how do you enter?

1) Post a review of The Restorer–Expanded Edition to 3 major review sites (such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Good Reads, Shelfari, etc.) between January 2st and February 28th, 2012.

2) Email your review links to Sharon’s literary assistant at jamie.words (at) For each review posted to a major site, your name will be entered in the drawing once.

3) On March 3rd, 5 winners will be randomly selected from the pool of contestants. And of those 5, ONE will be randomly drawn to receive the grand prize.

Put on your writing hat and enter the contest today!

* Please note that the contest begins January 2st and runs through February 28th. No reviews posted before or after those dates will be considered in the contest. The winners will be randomly selected from the pool of contestants who email their links to Sharon’s literary assistant at jamie.words (at) Reviews that are not emailed to Jamie will not be entered in the contest. Once announced on the Facebook page, it is the winner’s responsibility to contact Jamie with his / her contact information. In order to receive the PDF file of the bonus material in The Restorer’s Son–Expanded Edition, the winner will also have to supply his / her email address. The grand prize winner of the Restorer Book Bag shall also have to supply a physical mailing address. Should any of the winners not respond to Jamie by March 10, 2012, new winners shall be selected. For any further questions, please contact Jamie at: jamie.words (at)

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Starseeker Contest – Wayne Batson

Not only is he a captivating writer, but after touring both the east coast and west coast with him, visiting book stores, schools, hospitals, and community centers, I can attest to the fact that Wayne Batson is an awesome guy who loves his readers.

One way he shows his love for readers is by holding awesome contests. Here’s his current one:


Want to win a new Kindle Fire, Books-4-Life, your very own Star, or even have your name as a Character in a Future Novel??? Enter the Starseeker Contest, my biggest, most epic Reader Contest to date!

Be sure to check it out – and all his books!

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Opportunity for Three Free Books

I was very honored when Janna Ryan named The Restorer’s Son and The Restorer’s Journey as her Most Entertaining books of 2008. She is currently offering a contest to win a copy of The Restorer’s Son. You can read all about it here.

My most recent novel is Stepping Into Sunlight. You can enter a drawing to win a free copy at the Penny’s Project blog here. That contest ends February 1st, so stop by to leave a comment before time runs out.

And beginning on Friday, January 30, Cara Putman will post a contest at her blog for The Restorer (the first in the Sword of Lyric series) – so be sure to stop by and leave a comment there, as well.

Curious about any of the books? Just visit my website to read about my

Stand alone women’s fiction titles
The Becky Miller mom-lit series
The Restorer and other Sword of Lyric series books

I hope you have fun with each of these opportunities! Happy reading!
Sharon Hinck

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Win the Entire Sword of Lyric Set!

The great folks at Suspense Zone are featuring all three books in the Sword of Lyric series: The Restorer, The Restorer’s Son, and The Restorer’s Journey, with in-depth reviews, an interview, and a great prize drawing.

While I normally think of the suspense genre as action thrillers in the espionage area, or crime dramas with a ticking clock, the Suspense Zone site features a great range of books by Christian authors that will raise your blood pressure and keep you turning pages. I’m delighted that they are highlighting these adventure/fantasy stories and hope that some new readers will discover the books. Be sure to stop by. The contest ends August 12!

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance, ACFW BOTY finalist)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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