Which Hidden Current character are you most like? Take the short, no-spoiler quiz below to find out who you’d be in the Dancing Realms! My friend Caitlin Eha put together this fun quiz (without spoilers) that you can enjoy while you wait for your copy of Hidden Current to arrive. Enjoy!
- How do you feel about dancing?
- A. It’s my passion!
- B. I don’t dance.
- C. I love to watch, but I’m not a skilled dancer myself.
- D. It’s fun!
- E. Dance? I wouldn’t dare.
- F. I love to dance, but I’m not as good as I’d like to be.
- What’s your preferred mode of transportation?
- A. Dancing. Or at least, keeping my feet firmly on the ground.
- B. Traveling through the ocean.
- C. Unfortunately, I’m not up for traveling.
- D. On horseback.
- E. I’d rather stay in my own town, where it’s safe.
- F. I don’t have anywhere to go.
- You encounter a wild animal, and it looks angry. What do you do?
- A. Carefully try to calm the animal so it won’t attack.
- B. Grab your weapon and get ready to fight.
- C. Pray it goes away.
- D. Approach and try to befriend it.
- E. Run away as fast as you can.
- F. Stay very still and wait for it to move on.
- Visitors show up at your home unexpectedly. What do you do?
- A. Say hello, then return to your work.
- B. It depends—are they friend or foe?
- C. Invite them in and share a meal.
- D. Ask if they’d like to help you in the garden.
- E. Tell them to go away.
- F. Sit down with them for a good conversation.
- Pick a favorite kind of pet.
- A. A land animal with fluffy fur.
- B. A sea creature you can ride.
- C. All animals are lovely in their own way.
- D. Anything that will play with me.
- E. An animal that helps with my work.
- F. A land animal you can ride.
- You have reached the island’s rim and the ocean is spread out before you. Do you…
- A. Enjoy the view but keep your feet safely on the land.
- B. Dive right into the water and go for a long swim.
- C. Take a drink of the sweet-tasting water.
- D. Splash and play in the ocean.
- E. Go back to work like a sensible person.
- F. Stare in awe.
- What is the purpose of life?
- A. To dance for the Order.
- B. To protect the people I love.
- C. To follow the Maker.
- D. I don’t know yet.
- E. To survive.
- F. I thought I knew, but now I’m not so sure.
Now, add up your responses for each letter:
A______ B______ C______ D______ E______ F______
Which Hidden Current character are you? Check below to find out your character!
If you got mostly As…
You are…CALARA!
You love to dance and long to use your gifts to benefit the world around you. You have a strong sense of purpose, although life doesn’t always turn out the way you planned. Then again, maybe that’s a good thing…
If you got mostly Bs…
You are strong and down-to-earth. You know the world can be harsh, and your mission is to protect those you love. Although you tend to come across as gruff, you care deeply about your people.
If you got mostly Cs…
You are…GINERVA!
You are a caring person who looks after the people around you—even if that means working for a regime you disagree with. Your subtle advice and tenderness have a way of reaching even the most confused or hardened hearts.
If you got mostly Ds…
You are…NOLANA!
You view the world with child-like wonder and excitement, but you also tend to surprise other people with your wisdom and insight. You’re not sure what the future holds, but that excites you more than it scares you.
If you got mostly Es…
You are…VARNEY!
You keep to yourself and try not to get on anyone’s bad side—especially anyone who could arrest you. You sometimes struggle to do the right thing, but you’re a good person at heart.
If you got mostly Fs…
Your friends are the most important thing to you, and you’d risk a lot for them. You want to use your gifts to help others, but you’re not sure if you’re capable enough. Still, your future may involve greater things than you ever expected…
Discover these characters and more in Hidden Current, releasing January 2020 and now available for preorder!
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