Category Archives: Song of Lyric Contest

Song of Lyric Contest Winner Announced!

After much deliberation, the winner of the Song of Lyric Contest has been selected!

Congratulations to Nina Ruth Bruno for her beautiful work. Cameron Banks, who wrote a choral arrangement for The Deliverer will be composing her song and sending her the score. She will also receive the first autographed copy of The Deliverer – Sword of Lyric Series Book 4.

I want to thank each gifted writer who participated. I know your lyrics were a blessing to followers of my blog, and your willingness to play in the world of the Sword of Lyric books also encouraged my heart!

Blessings to all!
Sharon Hinck

For those who missed it the first time it was posted, here again is Nina Ruth’s song:

Memories of Braide Wood (Linette’s Song)
by Nina Ruth Bruno

Come wipe the dust from these packed-away dreams,
When a sword’s pierced my heart –
and all’s not what it seems –
Come break the dark with the dawn of the Day,
Oh, Promised One, show me the way…

I remember the scent of the woods,
and the warm hearth of light,
and the place where he stood –
When girlhood hopes towards a future so bright
Were a tune on the breeze and a song in the night.

But now these are just misty memories,
And I wait in shadows for eyes to see
The coming of the longed-for One
The Hope of all Eternity.

Caught between time with a song and a prayer,
And a hope in a heart now burdened with cares;
Suspended between the Then and Not Yet,
I will quietly wait, and will lift up my head,


Bring to fulfillment these memories,
Lighten these shadows with eyes to see
Oh come to me, longed-for One,
My Hope for all Eternity.

Bring to fulfillment these memories,
Lighten these shadows with eyes to see
Oh come to me, longed-for One,
My Hope for all Eternity.

Lai lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai, my Hope for all Eternity…


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Lyric Entry – Sharron Minchella

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
Here’s an entry by Sharron Minchella


The winner will be announced in June.

Song of Lyric
by Sharron Minchella

In Lyric’s tower the One abides,
but roof and wall can’t hold him.
His power is seen on battlefields
and in the hearts of men.

People of the Verses
come worship the One.
He alone is worthy
of hymns and adoration.

Hazor’s fires and Rhusican poison
can never overcome us.
For we will trust in the One alone
to come and to deliver.

People of the Verses
come worship the One.
He alone is worthy
of hymns and adoration.

When trouble comes and overwhelms,
we run to your strong tower.
Our arms are raised as the music plays,
the mist of your peace surrounds us.

People of the Verses
come worship the One.
He alone is worthy
of hymns and adoration.

We sing your Verses to remember
the reason for our joy.
For you have once again restored us
and turned us back to you.

People of the Verses
come worship the One.
He alone is worthy
of hymns and adoration.

Strengthen our arms for each new battle,
and equip us with your word.
For we have come to pledge ourselves
the protector of your house.

People of the Verses
come worship the One.
He alone is worthy
of hymns and adoration.

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

Sharon Hinck

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Lyric Entry – Naomi Conti

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
Here’s an entry by Naomi Conti


The winner will be announced in June.

The Song Of The One

With the power of the Verses
And the strength of our swords,
We trust in Your Word;
In Your almighty hand, Lord.
There is no fear for those
Who trust in Your  might;
Alone on high are You
Above the hill gods’ sight:
Awesome You are.

The eyes of the Hazorites
Your wrath they see and fear,
The Kahlareans will tremble when they hear,
The people of Rhus will cease spoken
They will know, and thus be silenced;                                                          
That the One dwells in the midst of His           

You alone are to be feared;
Before You will come one and all.
The nations will come to pay You homage;
Upon their faces will they fall.
They will all acknowledge You as God,
For the fear of You will fall hard
From the River Borders to the Clay Hills.

The Hazorites saw Your doings;
They turned and fled their posts.
For You had sent us a Restorer,
Thus they knew You fought their hosts.
From the sky came the dreadful rumble and                              
Quickening our enemies to surrender the
You gave us the victory.

Then when Hazor closed about us again,
Creeping as ghosts in the night;
Unknown to us, You were preparing
The most unlikely Restorer to fight.
For You used only Songkeepers and one
man of might,
To deliver the city of Lyric so bright;
Unscathed, she remains to this day.

But when the danger turned homeward,
Deceived by Cameron we sought
To nullify the True Verses’ soundness,
With verses that were not.
So You raised up a new Restorer,
To bring us back to the truth;
He and the guardians fought for our lands,
To take Rendor out of the enemy’s hands,
Thus Cameron’s evil plans were destroyed.

And now, O Holy One,
We worship you this day;
We remember all this You have done
To restore us to You way.
And now, O Lord, please,
Remember us, we pray;
Forgive us now our every sin,
Heal our hearts from deep within;
Our lives proclaim Your Name.

                         -Naomi Conti

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

Sharon Hinck

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Lyric Entry – Jake Buller

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
Here’s an entry by Jake Buller


The winner will be announced in June.


Deliver Us Soon

There was a fight on Corros Fields
The One rode with us to glory
There was a strength in Braide Wood
Where the One was weaving his story.

There was a passion in Rendor
To let loose the Verses’ song
There was a tower tall in Lyric
Wherein we all belong.

And so we run, and so we run
But sick and weakened we may fall;
And so we weary turn to the One
Who hearkens us to hear His call.

Hear us!  Hear us! One Eternal, hear us!
Draw us into your arms, come near us
We need Your redeeming hand
To heal our weary hearts, our land
Deliver us! You alone know our fate.
Deliver us! O Deliverer, we wait.

There is a sorrow on Corros Fields
That makes the rain seem like tears
There is a sadness in Braide Wood
Where it seems like no one hears.

There is an anguish in Rendor
Like dusk on a hurting soul
There is a lingering fear in Lyric
Like the world is out of control.

And so we run, and so we run
But there is no flight from sorrow
And with tears we turn to the One
Who sees the uncertain tomorrow.

Hear us!  Hear us! One Eternal, hear us!
Draw us into your arms, come near us
We cry out for Your redeeming hand
To heal our hurts, our wounds, our land
Deliver us!  Our time of trial is at noon
Deliver us!  O Deliverer—come soon.

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

Sharon Hinck

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Lyric Entry – Chawna Schroeder

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
There is still time to send your lyrics in to be posted on my blog in April and May.

The winner will be announced in June.

Today’s entry is by Chawna Schroeder. You can visit her HERE.

First Light, Last Light

By Chawna Schroeder

The One creates

New life breathes in

Eyes open wide

And see the first light

From the first light

          He holds our hand

To the last light

          He shuts our eyes to sleep

The One nurtures

Children blossom

Hands growing skilled

Faces to the light

From the first light

          He holds our hand

To the last light

          He shuts our eyes to sleep

The One strengthens

Life pledged to life

A house is built

Beneath the warm light

From the first light

          He holds our hand

To the last light

          He shuts our eyes to sleep

The rains fall, tears of pain

          Broken hearts

          Poisoned minds

          Beetle stings

          Rizzid menace

Enemies without and within

The rains fall, tears of joy

          Mending One

          Cleansing One

          Healing One

          Protecting One

Majesty, power are all His

The One gives rest

Deep sighs breathe out

Eyes sliding shut

At the last of light

From the last light

          He holds our hand

To the first light

          He opens eyes again

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

Sharon Hinck

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Lyric Entry – Jessica White

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
There is still time to send your lyrics in to be posted on my blog in April and May.

The winner will be announced in June.

Today’s entry is by Jessica White:

Totally Surrendered

As I watched the storm approaching
My heart filled up with fear
My mind began to race because
I knew no shelter near.

But You showed up in that moment.
You said “Be not afraid.”
You would lead me up to higher ground
If by Your side I’d stay.


You lit the path
So I could see,
And when I fell
You carried me.

It was You who rescued me.

You lead the way
To higher ground.
It’s by Your love
That I was found.

It was You who rescued me.

And I stand in awe of You….
Totally surrendered.

You clearly knew the way although
The path was not well marked.
And patiently You guided me
As the sky grew very dark.

And as we reached the hilltop,
You pointed out a light.
There below a cabin stood
Where we’d be safe for the night.

Chorus (repeated)

As the rain began to fall,
You opened up the door.
You turned and You asked me
“Do You want to know Me more?”

In that very moment
I saw Your nail scarred hands.
I understood Your sacrifice
And what Your word commands.

(Chorus melody different words)

You took my place.
You died for me.
You bared my sin
On Calvary.

It was You who set me free.

Lord by Your grace
You washed me clean.
It was Your love
that rescued me.

It was You who set me free.

Totally surrendered.

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

Sharon Hinck

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Lyric Entry – Karri Compton (#2 of 2)

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
There is still time to send your lyrics in to be posted on my blog in April and May.

The winner will be announced in June.

Today’s entry is by Karri Compton. You can visit her blog HERE.

“Gather to the Tower”

When darkness comes and fear surrounds
The One is e’er our hope and shield
He fights with strength for all His people
Come, your spirit to Him yield

Gather to the tower, the tower where His presence hovers in a mist so palpable 

And praise the One, our Defender, Whose power is unstoppable

When good tidings come our way
And all is right within our land
Come and praise the One, our All
For guidance from His loving hand

Gather to the tower, the tower where His presence hovers in a mist so palpable 

And praise the One, our Defender, Whose mercy is unstoppable

All glory to the gracious One
Who calls our people for His own
Perfect, holy Maker He
Sits majestic on His throne
Gather to the tower, the tower where His presence hovers in a mist so palpable 
And praise the One, our Defender, Whose goodness is unstoppable

Gather now and praise the One
Thanking Him for all He’s done
A god who’s higher there is none
Gather now and praise the One
Gather now and praise the One

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

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Lyric Entry – Karri Compton (#1 of 2)

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
There is still time to send your lyrics in to be posted on my blog in April and May.

The winner will be announced in June.

Today’s entry is by Karri Compton. You can visit her blog HERE.

Lift up your voices
Shout out to the One
Give abundant thanks
For all He has done

From Rendor to Blue Knoll
Lyric to Braide Wood
People of the Verses
Confess the One is good

He guides and sustains us
Strengthens with His hand
And brings to Himself
The People of His land

So praise the One forever
His verses e’er recite
And look for His Deliverer
One day to make all right

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

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Lyric Entry – Elizabeth Goddard

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
There is still time to send your lyrics in to be posted on my blog in April and May.

The winner will be announced in June.

Today’s entry is by Elizabeth Goddard. You can learn about her wonderful novels HERE.

This is the day
Made by the One
All creatures big, all creatures small
Await for the Son
Await for the Son
There is a day
For which we await
To be in His light, to rest in the One
Nothing compares to a life
Lived in His presence,
Nothing compares to the Beautiful One
How beautiful He shines, turning darkness to light.
This is the day
Made by the One

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

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Lyric Entry – Antonina Ruth

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
There is still time to send your lyrics in to be posted on my blog in April and May.

The winner will be announced in June.

Today’s entry is by Antonina Ruth

Memories of Braide Wood (Linette’s Song)

Come wipe the dust from these packed-away dreams,
When a sword’s pierced my heart –
and all’s not what it seems –
Come break the dark with the dawn of the Day,
Oh, Promised One, show me the way…

I remember the scent of the woods,
and the warm hearth of light,
and the place where he stood –
When girlhood hopes towards a future so bright
Were a tune on the breeze and a song in the night.

But now these are just misty memories,
And I wait in shadows for eyes to see
The coming of the longed-for One
The Hope of all Eternity.

Caught between time with a song and a prayer,
And a hope in a heart now burdened with cares;
Suspended between the Then and Not Yet,
I will quietly wait, and will lift up my head,


Bring to fulfillment these memories,
Lighten these shadows with eyes to see
Oh come to me, longed-for One,
My Hope for all Eternity.

Bring to fulfillment these memories,
Lighten these shadows with eyes to see
Oh come to me, longed-for One,
My Hope for all Eternity.

Lai lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai, my Hope for all Eternity…


Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

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