Category Archives: Stepping Into Sunlight

99 Cent Offer!

Great news!
My publisher is offering a special on Stepping Into Sunlight for the next few days.
Only 99 cents for the e-book!

Stepping Into Sunlight

Penny Sullivan, a Navy chaplain’s wife witnesses a violent crime and struggles with post traumatic stress while her husband is on his first deployment.

Far from family and friends, she fights to heal for the sake of her seven-year-old son, even though ordinary tasks take heroic efforts. She’s haunted by flashbacks and is tormented by fear, so she designs a project to speed her recovery: doing one small, kind act for a different person each day.


“Hinck, a 2008 Christy finalist for visionary fiction, offers an especially grounded tale of sudden trauma and slow healing...Hinck has done her homework on post-traumatic stress syndrome, and is not afraid to show readers that challenges can deepen faith.”— Publisher’s Weekly

In this uplifting novel set in Chesapeake, VA, Penny Sullivan is losing her grip after witnessing a traumatic event. . . Well written and compelling, this title will appeal to readers of Karen Kingsbury, Ann Tatlock, and Angela Elwell Hunt.” — Library Journal

“Like Sharon Hinck’s heroine, I, too, witnessed a crime. It’s been years, but I relived every emotion along with Penny Sullivan. Told with humor and lump-in-the-throat insight, Stepping into Sunlight is a compelling story of learning to live again after trauma. This was my first Sharon Hinck novel, but it garnered her a permanent spot on my favorite authors list.”Deborah Raney, author of A Vow to Cherish and The Clayburn Novels series

“With emotional and spiritual honesty, Stepping into Sunlight chronicles the rebirth of faith and courage in a young woman traumatized by the unthinkable. Penny, Sharon Hinck’s authentic and endearing heroine, is so convincing that I found myself, well, praying for her. That’s compelling fiction! I laughed. I cried. I asked God a lot of questions. In the end, Hinck’s concise yet poetic language ushered me into a worshipful place. Stepping into Sunlight definitely prospered my soul.” Patti Hill, author of The Queen of Sleepy Eye

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Black Friday Book Specials

I’m so excited to be holding a shiny new copy of The Restorer – Expanded Edition. And I’m excited that I figured out how to use “photo booth” on my computer to take this picture.

If you want to treat yourself or others to a book (which is still one of the best, most enduring entertainment values around in my humble opinion – hooray for books!) I wanted to alert you to some “Black Friday and Beyond” specials.

Be sure to check out Marcher Lord Press – If you order The Restorer-Expanded Edition (at their discount price!) you’ll get two free gifts. But visit soon, since it’s a limited time offer. And check out all their other books by terrific authors. Huge discounts for two days only.


AND if you want a gift under $5 – take a peek at . . .

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (a would-be super mom struggles with her spouses job loss)
Renovating Becky Miller (coping with a disability while juggling a home remodel and more)
Symphony of Secrets (musical mystery with a touch of romance)
Stepping Into Sunlight (inspiring novel of a woman’s emotional healing)

Those aren’t used books, either. Those are new, autographed, and will be personalized to you, or whomever you wish to give the book to.

Happy gift giving and happy reading!

Sharon Hinck

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Three Books Final – and my weird realizations

I was deeply touched yesterday to find out that my three novels that released in 2008 were each named finalists in the ACFW Book of the Year Awards. I felt so warm and grateful that the judges appreciated the stories, and that my books were in the company of so many amazing authors.

It also spurred a few realizations.

First, I had to shake my head at myself – because the books are nominated in three different categories. It just reminded me how totally inept I am at doing things the way you’re supposed to. It really isn’t practical to write in different genres while trying to build a reading audience. It wasn’t my plan. I just wrote the stories I cared about, and they were very diverse stories. I hope one day to figure out where I best fit, but in the meantime I’m so grateful for each of the stories and that there even EXISTS such a variety of genres in Christian fiction.

Another realization I had was that a lot of my warm happy feeling about this honor came from being happy for my characters. I fell in love with the characters in these three books (Stepping Into Sunlight, Symphony of Secrets, and Restorer’s Journey) – and I’m happy for those characters to get to stand up and wave and say “hi!” – for them to have a moment of recognition. Is that weird?

Oh, well.

At any rate, I’m also thankful for ACFW – an organization that is doing so much to support, educate, and NOURISH writers. If you aren’t familiar with them, be sure to check them out here! Honors come and go (or often don’t come at all) but the fellowship of other Christian writers is a treasure that remains on all the hard slogging days.

Sharon Hinck

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Minnesota Readers and Writers…

…Come chat with me!

Saturday, February 21st, 11:00 a.m.
I’ll be signing Stepping Into Sunlight at the
Northwestern Bookstore
Cobblestone Court, Burnsville, MN

I love visiting with readers and other writers, answering questions, talking about good books, sharing ideas, and connecting one-on-one. I’d love to see you!

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer’s Son (ACFW Book of the Year Winner, Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Now Available:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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Opportunity for Three Free Books

I was very honored when Janna Ryan named The Restorer’s Son and The Restorer’s Journey as her Most Entertaining books of 2008. She is currently offering a contest to win a copy of The Restorer’s Son. You can read all about it here.

My most recent novel is Stepping Into Sunlight. You can enter a drawing to win a free copy at the Penny’s Project blog here. That contest ends February 1st, so stop by to leave a comment before time runs out.

And beginning on Friday, January 30, Cara Putman will post a contest at her blog for The Restorer (the first in the Sword of Lyric series) – so be sure to stop by and leave a comment there, as well.

Curious about any of the books? Just visit my website to read about my

Stand alone women’s fiction titles
The Becky Miller mom-lit series
The Restorer and other Sword of Lyric series books

I hope you have fun with each of these opportunities! Happy reading!
Sharon Hinck

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Free Book

Happy 2009!

I’m welcoming in the New Year by giving away a copy of Stepping Into Sunlight . . .

with a twist.

It’s a copy for YOU to give away to someone you want to bless!

To enter, visit my Penny’s Project blog and read the post “Many Penny’s”

Then leave a comment after that post about a small act of kindness AND an accurate email where I can reach you if you win.

Easy, yes?

Oh, and I’m getting ready to mail out my free quarterly ezine. If you aren’t already a subscriber, you can sign up in the right-hand column of my website for devotional thoughts, insider info, etc.

Sharon Hinck

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Article in St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper reviews are rare and precious gifts for a novelist, so I was delighted when a friend told me that the St. Paul Pioneer Press had featured an article about Stepping Into Sunlight, as well as Julie Klassen’s book The Apothecary’s Daughter.

I appreciated the integrity of the reviewer who admitted that in the past she avoided fiction from Christian publishers because of her assumptions of what it would be. And of course, I was delighted that our stories rang true for her.

I continue to marvel at God’s kindness. This was a wonderful treat on a cold winter morning.

I’ve had some challenges in my life in recent months, and it has been a season that has made me especially grateful of tender gifts from God that come like sips of water in a desert.

Stepping Into Sunlight has gone into its third printing and received some truly affirming reviews. But even better, I’ve been so moved by the letters I’ve received – from a reader with PTSD, a young wife whose husband is on his first deployment, a woman battling anxiety who was never able to put words to the experience before and read scenes to her husband.

It reminds me again that God can work His grace through us, even when we feel the most “useless.” 🙂

Sharon Hinck

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Cherry Street Books – Sharon on the Road

Saturday, December 13, 2008, I’ll be at
Cherry Street Books
503 Broadway
Alexandria, MN
from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

I’ll be doing a “book talk” at 11:00 a.m., sharing about the writing journey and doing Q&A, then visiting and signing books the rest of the time.

Please come on out! It’s a GREAT time to do a little Christmas shopping.

Sharon Hinck

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A Special Visit with the Motiv8 Authors

This week, my cohorts from the Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour (October 2008) are blogging about me. I hope you’ll have time to visit their blogs and leave comments. It’s great fun!

Bryan Davis
Donita K. Paul
Eric Reinhold

have their posts up already, (with some great questions or inside info you don’t want to miss – hee hee!) and I’ll let you know as others appear.

But Wayne Batson’s blog is extra special.

He’s featuring an in-depth discussion that we hope will offer help for the hurting. It’s a lengthy post – and more about life than about our books. So pour a cup of tea, put your feet up, and click on over to Wayne’s blog.

Sharon Hinck

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Kind Words for Stepping Into Sunlight

I recently blogged about being okay with my half-baked blogging skills.

However, the casual approach doesn’t extend to my work as a novelist. I’ve always had a passion for pursuing excellence in working at my art – whether that was in theatre, music, choreography, or writing.

Trying to capture an artistic vision sharpens the critical eye. That’s good. It pushes me to keep working, honing, trying to get closer to conveying something with power and beauty.

The pursuit can also be discouraging, because I never quite reach it, and often grow hyper-critical and see my work falling far short of where I’d like it to be.

That’s why I’m grateful when God sends encouraging words my way . . . when someone else applies their critical eye to the work and believes it captures something of value, and lets me know that. Today, a reviewer sent me this assessment of my new novel, Stepping Into Sunlight.

By the way, if you haven’t yet picked up a copy, you can get one personalized and autographed by me at Signed by the Author.

Now, it’s time for me to get back to work on studying, honing, reworking, doubting, and hoping.

Sharon Hinck

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