Category Archives: Symphony of Secrets

Black Friday Book Specials

I’m so excited to be holding a shiny new copy of The Restorer – Expanded Edition. And I’m excited that I figured out how to use “photo booth” on my computer to take this picture.

If you want to treat yourself or others to a book (which is still one of the best, most enduring entertainment values around in my humble opinion – hooray for books!) I wanted to alert you to some “Black Friday and Beyond” specials.

Be sure to check out Marcher Lord Press – If you order The Restorer-Expanded Edition (at their discount price!) you’ll get two free gifts. But visit soon, since it’s a limited time offer. And check out all their other books by terrific authors. Huge discounts for two days only.


AND if you want a gift under $5 – take a peek at . . .

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (a would-be super mom struggles with her spouses job loss)
Renovating Becky Miller (coping with a disability while juggling a home remodel and more)
Symphony of Secrets (musical mystery with a touch of romance)
Stepping Into Sunlight (inspiring novel of a woman’s emotional healing)

Those aren’t used books, either. Those are new, autographed, and will be personalized to you, or whomever you wish to give the book to.

Happy gift giving and happy reading!

Sharon Hinck

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Three Books Final – and my weird realizations

I was deeply touched yesterday to find out that my three novels that released in 2008 were each named finalists in the ACFW Book of the Year Awards. I felt so warm and grateful that the judges appreciated the stories, and that my books were in the company of so many amazing authors.

It also spurred a few realizations.

First, I had to shake my head at myself – because the books are nominated in three different categories. It just reminded me how totally inept I am at doing things the way you’re supposed to. It really isn’t practical to write in different genres while trying to build a reading audience. It wasn’t my plan. I just wrote the stories I cared about, and they were very diverse stories. I hope one day to figure out where I best fit, but in the meantime I’m so grateful for each of the stories and that there even EXISTS such a variety of genres in Christian fiction.

Another realization I had was that a lot of my warm happy feeling about this honor came from being happy for my characters. I fell in love with the characters in these three books (Stepping Into Sunlight, Symphony of Secrets, and Restorer’s Journey) – and I’m happy for those characters to get to stand up and wave and say “hi!” – for them to have a moment of recognition. Is that weird?

Oh, well.

At any rate, I’m also thankful for ACFW – an organization that is doing so much to support, educate, and NOURISH writers. If you aren’t familiar with them, be sure to check them out here! Honors come and go (or often don’t come at all) but the fellowship of other Christian writers is a treasure that remains on all the hard slogging days.

Sharon Hinck

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I’ve Been Kindled!

I’m so excited! The Restorer has been released in a digital download version for Kindle!

Yes, is this weird world we live in, with technology shifting so quickly, more and more books are available on this Star-Trek-like reading tablet. I’m delighted one of my books is joining in.

The audio book for Renovating Becky Miller is available as an audio digital download for iPod at my local library system, but this is the first of my books to go high-tech and have a Kindle version.

I also just found the audio version of Symphony of Secrets is now out with Recorded Books (which serves libraries, schools, etc.)

Back in the day, books were either hard-cover or paperback. Now they come in myriad forms…and I’ve decided I’ll celebrate that today. 🙂

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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In recent weeks, I’ve been listening to my iPod Bible. Hearing the Word in a new way has stirred some fresh insights, especially in the places where my eyes tend to glaze when reading (Leviticus, some of Numbers, etc.).

Yesterday I was listening to Joshua 13-19 . . . a detailed listing of the boundaries for each of the tribes in the Promised Land.

Even staring at my Bible map while listening, it got a little tedious listening to the names, the cities, the geographical descriptions.

But I was struck by how Joshua cast lots “in the presence of the Lord” to set up the territories. In other words, God set the boundaries.

How often I’ve looked at someone else’s life and murmured to God, “Look at the great land they are inhabiting. Look at how wide their territory is extending. Why does my spot of service in your kingdom seem so tiny? So arid? So unimportant by comparison?”

Listening to the book of Joshua challenged me to be grateful for the metaphoric land He’s allowed me to inhabit, and reminded me to trust His boundaries. If I’m not able to serve in a certain ministry at my church, I can rejoice for those who are called to it, and trust God has something else in mind for me. If my books don’t reach as large an audience as I’d hoped, I can thank Him for the great authors who inhabit vast territories for His glory and thank him for the tiny foothill where He’s allowed me to build a village. If my prayer life feels like a tiny barren cave instead of lush and fruitful vineyards, I can trust that God is producing what He needs to within the little cave.

One more lovely thought from Joshua. In the opening chapter, God says to Joshua over and over, “Be strong and courageous.” In his farewell speech to Israel much later, Joshua says to the people, “Be strong.” I loved that parallel. What God spoke into his life, Joshua lived and then spoke into the lives of others. Isn’t that cool?

On another note, one of my favorite sites reporting on books, music, and movies is Title Trakk. They recently posted a review of Symphony of Secrets. Of course I’m always grateful when someone appreciates what I’m striving for in my stories–but I was particularly blessed by this review because it was so beautifully written – evoking the imagery of a symphony in the description. If you have a moment, stop by to check it out!

And you can still enter the drawing for a free copy of Sherri Sand’s debut novel in the prior post. I’ve loved hearing everyone’s contributions for favorite fictional moms!

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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Sample a Chapter – Symphony of Secrets

Just a quick note – Symphony of Secrets is being featured this week at “You’ve Got Books” – an online service sponsored by Christian Author’s Network. You can sample the first chapter by clicking here.

I love the weeks after a book releases when I begin to hear from people that identified with themes in the story. When I hear that something rang true, all the work feels that much more meaningful. Two of my Bethany House editors have said this is their favorite of all my books – but I wondered what other readers would think. You can click on any of the links below for some fun thoughts on the book.

Virginia Smith wrote, “Symphony of Secrets is a quick read, not because it’s light on content, but because the writing and the story pull you in so effectively you don’t want to put it down.” For more of her thoughts visit Virginia Smith’s Book Reviews.

Violet Nesdoly said, “In Symphony of Secrets Hinck is, as in earlier books, in fine and funny form. Full of clever comparisons and savvy humor, her writing is always a pleasure to read.” Read her in-depth review Blog Critics.

Cara Putman shared, “This book is written with a light touch that often had me laughing out loud as I read it. Amy sees more what ifs in a situation than anybody I know!” in her review at The Law, Books, and Life.

At Radiant Lit, Jill Hart said, “Mom-lit and music lovers everywhere will want to make sure to grab a copy and prepare to be entertained.”

BookHaunts Book Reviews has great feedback by Ane Mulligan who wrote, “I enjoyed every page of this book! Hinck employs wit and angst as you follow Amy, a musical geek trying to fulfill her dreams.”

Number one Amazon Reviewer, Harriet Kausner said, “Combining music with an amateur sleuth investigation and a light welcoming inspirational religious touch, readers will want to attend the symphony.”

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“Symphony” Gala

Saturday’s Book Launch for Symphony of Secrets was such a blessing.

(Photos show the musicians, the line to get books signed, and me laughing and chatting. If you look hard, you’ll catch a glimpse of my satin tuxedo jacket with tails…a costume from tap dancing I did back in the late 1970s that worked well for the symphony theme – hee hee! )

The events manager, Bev, had created curtains for the stage to match the book cover, and created a beautiful display of books. My nephew Peter (an accomplished flutist) and friend Brian (amazing keyboardist) provided live classical music for the store full of people.

Book Buddy Janelle created amazing music candles for each guest and centerpieces of roses and candles for the tables. Book Buddy Joyce made miniature book cover art to wrap around candy bars for the guests. Others brought treats, handed out bookmarks, prayed for the event, and assisted guests in signing up for the door prizes.

I met a woman from Nigeria, and a woman from Afghanistan, as well as folks who drove a couple hours in for the event. My editor was there with her family. And a dear old friend I haven’t seen in ages was there. As always, I longed for the ability to sit and have long, cozy one-on-one chats with each person, instead of just brief connections. But I enjoyed all the quick snatched bits of conversation.

Thank you to everyone who helped celebrate the new release – and to those who couldn’t make it, I hope you’ll pick up a copy and enjoy the Symphony of Secrets. 🙂

Sharon’s Books

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Secrets of “Symphony” Interview

If you want to hear some of the secrets behind the new novel, Symphony of Secrets, pop over to hear my radio/podcast interview with Jill Hart. She’ll be posting it sometime in the near future – but I thought I’d get the link up since I’ll be away from my desk for a few days.

As usual, she asked great questions and we covered a wide range of topics.

Also, if you live in Minnesota, know anyone in Minnesota, or plan to be in Minnesota on February 23rd, please consider yourself invited to a

Symphony of Secrets Book Launch Gala Saturday February 23, 2008 1:00 p.m. Northwestern Bookstore – Maple Grove, MN

Plans include live music, free refreshments, a reading, author Q&A, book signing, tons of prizes AND a cool music-themed gift for each person who RSVPs.

So be sure to drop me an email to reserve your gift! One of my favorite things at past book launches has been the networking and fellowship that goes on. You’ll meet some cool people as you mingle – writers, editors, avid readers, musicians, church workers, moms, dads, kids, librarians and more! I can’t wait to see you there!


Sharon’s Books

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Sneak Peeks

Last week I stopped by the Northwestern Bookstore in Burnsville to drop off some bookmarks, and they had just received Symphony of Secrets and were putting copies on the shelf. What a treat to see!

Please let me know if you spot the book! This was such a fun story to write, I giggle every time I think of Amy, the professional flutist who fancies herself an arm-chair detective. It’s also a book I hope folks can give to their friends who are searching spiritually, because the heroine in this book is just beginning to confront a few questions many of us have asked about faith issues.

Also releasing next month – The Restorer’s Journey. It was featured this week at the Christian Author’s Network “You’ve Got Books” bookclub. You can read it here, and read an early review here.

Having two books releasing so close together is a LOT like having twins, so I appreciate your prayers for these babies as they launch into the world.

Since both books feature music (even young Jake is a bit of a “songkeeper” in Restorer’s Journey, and Symphony is ALL about music) I have a little music-related prize. Leave a comment if you buy either book and tell me where you bought it, and you’ll be entered in a drawing!

Sharon’s Books Available Here

Blessings and gratitude!
Sharon Hinck

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Under the Tree for Me

It came today!

What a terrific Christmas gift! An early author copy of my newest release! I love to smell the fresh ink, pat the shiny cover, and marvel at what God is able to bring about. It’s real!

This book was so fun to write – and I got to expose a little about how a neurotic artist’s mind works (something I have some experience with).

Beth Goddard recently interviewed me about Symphony of Secrets, so you can learn “the story behind the story” at The Write Message.

More interviews are planned for January, so be sure to stop here from time to time for updates.

Merry Christmas!!!!

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