Category Archives: The Restorer

Bonus Scene 3 – The Restorer


Here’s another bonus scene – sharing a mother’s perspective on her grown children and the new visitor to Braide Wood. This moment would fall after Chapter 8 in The Restorer.

When Tristan disappeared down the trail toward the healer’s lodge, I hurried back into the house and pulled out crates of root vegetables and my favorite dried herbs. No skimping today. Tristan was home. He looked a little worse for wear, but he was home.

I hummed as I kneaded dough for some fresh rolls.

Lukyan had told me once that it didn’t honor the One to indulge in constant worry for my children. “They belong to the One, and He has His hand in their lives.” Easy for him to say. He’d never had children like Tristan, Talia, and Tagatha.

How could a mother not worry? Especially when a mother’s love wasn’t enough to keep danger and harm away from her children. Even a mother’s fervent prayers didn’t guarantee that her children would be spared suffering. If my prayers could have brought Kendra back and healed Tristan’s broken heart, it would have happened a thousand times over by now.

Tristan had been gone so long that worry visited me daily—a guest I kicked out again and again, but one who kept knocking.

Of my three children, Tristan wasn’t usually the one to keep me awake at night with worry. His work leading the guardians of Braide Wood was difficult and held some risks, but he was responsible, a strong leader, a man who inspired confidence and trust. It was my youngest who had caused me the most pain over the years. Little Tagatha had shocked me when she’d pledged herself to a man from Lyric and had chosen city life far from her family and clan. My happy mood faded as I thought of the grandchild I rarely saw because of her choices.

I reached overhead and pulled down some dried stalks of sageno. Rubbing the leaves between my hands released their earthy scent, and I pummeled my dough until the herbs were blended well. There’d be time to worry about Tagatha later. Tristan was home—that was what I needed to focus on. Tristan and Kendra. It must have killed him to stay away from her so long.

Every few days I walked to the healer’s lodge and tried to see Kendra, but the stubborn old healers wouldn’t let me spend time with her. Too dangerous, they said. Pah. Families need each other. It was keeping them apart that was dangerous. Fortunately, Tristan was a lot bigger and carried a sword, and I suspected they wouldn’t be able to keep him from seeing her.

Now what to do with the strange woman he’d brought with him? As thrilled as I was to see him, I didn’t know what to think of her. A lost and desperate look haunted her eyes.

Well, whatever her problems, they could surely be helped with a hearty bowl of soup. I set my biggest bowl on the heat trivet and stuffed it with ingredients.

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Bonus Scene 2 – The Restorer

As I gear up for the release of The Deliverer (book 4 in the Sword of Lyric series), I’m sharing bonus scenes from the first three books.

Today is Bonus Scene 2: In which Tristan discovers revenge doesn’t heal a broken heart, and there’s a strange soccer mom on the loose. This falls after chapter four in The Restorer.


“She warned me.” I tossed back the last swig of clavo and wiped out the mug before tucking it away on a recessed shelf. Not that there was any real need to clean up. The place probably wouldn’t see another person for seasons to come. I was stalling, and I knew it.
Kieran leaned against the open doorway, squinting into the distance. “Who warned you of what?”
“My mother. She tried to stop me.”
“We all tried to stop you. You did what you had to.”
I slung my pack over one shoulder and met Kieran at the door. “She warned me that revenge wouldn’t change anything. She begged me to stay in Braide Wood.”
Kieran shook his head. “You’ve got new things to worry about. By the way, she headed toward the center of town.”
I sighed. Not the direction I needed to go. “Of course she did.” I followed Kieran outside and pulled the door closed.
“I still say you should leave her here and get back to Lyric for some damage control. The Council has probably figured out by now that you aren’t where you’re supposed to be.”
More regret slammed into me. I hadn’t cared about what my mother needed. I hadn’t cared about the guardians in my command. I hadn’t cared about anything but tracking the Rhusican. Every day I’d woken with desperate hope that tore my insides like a rizzid’s claws. Hope that confronting the Rhusican would bring me answers. Hope that justice would ease my pain. Hope that I’d be able to talk to the One again without shaking with rage. And now…now I just felt empty.
“Hey.” Kieran shoved me, a little too hard to be playful. “Stop it. Second guessing makes you weak.”
I swatted him aside and tightened my sword belt. “It’s not weakness to analyze my choices.”
“Choices? You didn’t have choices. You told me he attacked you.”
“He did. But it was still my sword that took his life. I could have—”
“Let him kill you?” Kieran spit the words out through a clenched jaw.
I took a step back. “What are you so mad at me for?”
“Because you’re an idiot. He did more than enough damage, but you insist on making it worse by torturing yourself.” Kieran raked a hand through his dark hair, haggard lines deepening on his face.
Another person I hadn’t considered. He’d been devastated too. My shoulders slumped. “I wish I could bring her back.”
Pain flashed in Kieran’s eyes. He turned away and cleared his throat. “Go track down your protégé before she wanders into a clay pit. Although, come to think of it, that would solve a few problems.” With a dry chuckle, he strode down the street, heading toward Hazor.
I shook my head, picked up the extra pack I’d assembled, and walked toward the center of town to find Susan. Unlike Kieran, I could dare to hope for a Restorer. After all, what else could explain what we’d both seen? Her crumpled, lifeless body had healed. Still, she seemed awfully small and confused to be of much help. If I were still on speaking terms with the One, I’d ask Him what her appearance meant. But for now I’d hope someone in Braide Wood could figure out what to do with her.
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Bonus Scene 1 – The Restorer

Whether you recently downloaded the free Kindle book of The Restorer, or read it years ago, I thought you might enjoy a few bonus scenes I wrote for fun. I plan to post one each week, so stop by often.

This little bit of inner life is from Mark’s point of view, and shows a bit of what he was thinking in chapter one.

After Chapter 1


Jon and Anne galloped ahead of me down the sidewalk toward the park. Even with their much shorter legs, they left me puffing along in their wake.

Anne raced for the play equipment, the determination on her face a perfect reflection of Susan’s when she was deep into some project. Susan claimed that Anne took after me, but I saw my wife’s features in all our children. One of my constant, undeserved joys.

“I want the red swing,” Anne shouted. “Push me, Daddy.”

Jon veered off and climbed a slide, diving down it headfirst. “Dad, watch me!”

If I could let the kids burn off some energy without them getting any serious injuries and bring home tired but happy children, I’d be Susan’s hero. I gave Anne a strong push, and she tossed her head back, laughing as the swing lifted her skyward.

No wonder Jon and Anne needed some time at the playground—our house was bursting at the seams. We’d talked off and on for years about finding a larger place. When Susan would mention a great fixer-upper she’d seen closer to church, or how much we needed an extra bathroom, I’d find reasons to wait—economic downturn, possible move to a new office, the close friendships our kids had with the neighbors. Sometimes she’d study me with a puzzled frown.

“It’s more than that, isn’t it?” she’d ask.

I’d shrug. “It’s hard to explain.”

And she’d give me that sweet, tender smile, probably thinking I hid a well of sentiment toward the house that I couldn’t admit. Her guess was close enough to truth that I convinced myself I wasn’t a liar. Besides, hiding the truth to protect the person you love isn’t exactly lying, is it?

Even when I ran out of logical arguments for staying, she let me win the debate. With some clever remodeling projects and plenty of repairs, we managed. But my secrets ate at me. She assumed the best, ascribed pure—if slightly sappy—motives to my stubbornness about the house. She’d probably hate me if she learned the truth.

But what if my deception were contributing to the distance between us? In recent months, dark smudges had appeared beneath Susan’s eyes, her shoulders had taken on a weary slump, and her attention had begun wandering off mid-conversation. No question about it: Something was wrong.

Anne flung herself from the swing, tumbled in the sand, and came up laughing. “I’m hungry.”

Jon raced over and jumped up and down as if his sneakers were spring-loaded. “Me too.”

“Oh, no, you don’t. We just got here. Get some fresh air first. Then we’ll get burgers.” They both had the attention span of minnows, but I had to keep them occupied a little longer. Susan needed time to herself.

Fixing up the attic held some risks, but I would to do anything to bring back her smile. Or maybe on a subconscious level, I needed to confront the secret in those storage boxes. After so many years I’d convinced myself the contents were a mere relic of a time I could barely remember. Under control. Safe. The last thing Susan would do with her precious down time would be to dig through a bunch of dusty boxes.

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Happy News

I know I haven’t been able to blog much this past year, but for those who still pop by occasionally to see what’s new, I wanted to share some happy news.

I’ve signed a contract with Marcher Lord Press to release new editions of the Sword of Lyric series books. While it’s great to get the books back in print, I’m especially excited about adding some bonus scenes, behind-the-scenes notes, and other surprise features that will make the new editions extra special.

And – to answer the question I find most frequently in my emails each week – yes, I have been working on a fourth book, as well. I had several chapters of the fourth book written a few years ago before health issues sidelined me. Whenever I’m able, I do a bit more work on it, and have made a tiny bit of progress. It’s slow going, but I’m not giving up. 🙂

Meanwhile, have a blessed Christmas, and may you feel the presence of Emmanuel – “God with us” – throughout each moment of every day.

Sharon Hinck

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Opportunity for Three Free Books

I was very honored when Janna Ryan named The Restorer’s Son and The Restorer’s Journey as her Most Entertaining books of 2008. She is currently offering a contest to win a copy of The Restorer’s Son. You can read all about it here.

My most recent novel is Stepping Into Sunlight. You can enter a drawing to win a free copy at the Penny’s Project blog here. That contest ends February 1st, so stop by to leave a comment before time runs out.

And beginning on Friday, January 30, Cara Putman will post a contest at her blog for The Restorer (the first in the Sword of Lyric series) – so be sure to stop by and leave a comment there, as well.

Curious about any of the books? Just visit my website to read about my

Stand alone women’s fiction titles
The Becky Miller mom-lit series
The Restorer and other Sword of Lyric series books

I hope you have fun with each of these opportunities! Happy reading!
Sharon Hinck

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Sunday in San Diego

My last post was a week ago – hard to believe!
And it feels like that was a month ago. So much has happened on the road. But blogging didn’t. In spite of my best intentions I didn’t find many opportunities for internet access or time in our full days.

This morning I’m going to church with my friend Susie Meissner who opened her home for me to stay and then is taking me to the airport (in spite of the fact that she has a book launch today, for her wonderful new title, The Shape of Mercy).

When I get home, I’ll have many days of catch-up. Catching up on family time, sleep, emails, laundry, all the revisions I wanted to work on while on the road. So blogging may continue to be sparse.

So I’m grabbing this moment to share a little about the tour.

God was present.

We had some convocations with hundreds of students and teachers and parents. We had some bookstore signings with huge turn-out, where I was chatting with people and signing non-stop. And we had other events with tiny groups and various unexpected challenges.

But each place, I met at least one person who had been a long-distance friend, or met a reader who had been blessed by one of my books, or heard stories of people’s lives and was able to pray with them. Those encounters were a joy.

I also got to hear seven other amazing Christian authors share about their journey, their faith, their passion for the written word, and see their travel-weary silliness–a blessing that will live with me during my next year of solitary writing work.

I also have to share that I experienced a true, gentle miracle. The first couple days, I was so sick that friends and team-mates were giving me the option to fly home. I remember one teammate kindly saying, “no guilt. no one will think less of you.” I knew I should be home. Yet I still felt that God wanted me on the tour and determined to try to make it one more day. And then one more.

I believe it was Portland where I hit my lowest physically and emotionally, and didn’t know how to go on. I knew my friends at home were praying for my strength. I had prayed over and over for healing and grace for the work. Then one of the tour mates offered to pray with me and BOY HOWDY did he pray.

I dried my eyes, and got back in the van for the next drive, the next event…
no woosh of sudden peace or healing…
BUT over the course of the next few days I had more stretches of feeling “like me.” I was getting LESS rest, working more and more, but God was strengthening me.

Friday night, we spoke at Calvary Chapel in Huntington Beach – and I got to share about the way God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. And my devotion had new resonance. I SO longed to go out in strength on this tour, sharing with energy and enthusiasm, engaging people, encouraging and speaking with lively faith. Instead God called me to go out in weakness and lean into Him. I confess I was often weak and whiney, fearful and frustrated.

Isn’t it amazing that we serve a God who can use us even like that? And I continue to pray for His transforming power to reshape me. It’s just a LOOOOOOONG process.

I’ll try to blog about some of the highlights of the tour soon!
You can see video clips at
Blessed Sunday!
Sharon Hinck

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Fantasy Fiction Book Tour – 2008

I’m getting SO excited about hanging out with seven other wonderful Christian fantasy authors! October 3-12, we’ll be traveling from Canada through Seattle, Portland, down the west coast to the L.A. area and finishing in San Diego.

Here’s a taste of the fun we’ll be having!

Hope to see you there!

Sharon Hinck
Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour 2008

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Win the Entire Sword of Lyric Set!

The great folks at Suspense Zone are featuring all three books in the Sword of Lyric series: The Restorer, The Restorer’s Son, and The Restorer’s Journey, with in-depth reviews, an interview, and a great prize drawing.

While I normally think of the suspense genre as action thrillers in the espionage area, or crime dramas with a ticking clock, the Suspense Zone site features a great range of books by Christian authors that will raise your blood pressure and keep you turning pages. I’m delighted that they are highlighting these adventure/fantasy stories and hope that some new readers will discover the books. Be sure to stop by. The contest ends August 12!

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance, ACFW BOTY finalist)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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