Fourth Week, Fourth Candle
A friend recently said about the Advent season, “We’re waiting for Christ, not for Christmas.” All the fun of waiting–for the day we gather with family, or the time we can finally see what’s inside our Christmas stocking or open those mysterious presents beneath the tree–is just a foreshadowing of the greater celebration.
One day, Jesus will return. One day, He’ll welcome us to the home He’s prepared. One day we’ll have a party with all the loved ones who’ve gone before. One day we’ll experience all the wonderful surprises He has for us and the time when He wipes away our tears.
And while we wait, He is also waiting. He’s waiting for more people to meet Him. He’s waiting for each of us to know Him better.
Our Savior fulfilled every promise and prophecy when He came to earth as a newborn in Bethlehem, and we can trust Him to fulfill all the promises for our future.
So as we prepare food for our Christmas dinner, or put a shiny bow on a package, or sign a Christmas card, we can remember that He is also preparing the Feast of the Lamb.
Have a blessed last few days of Advent!
(author of The Deliverer)
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