Tag Archives: Emmanuel

Daily Advent Prayers

Advent Prayers

Blessed Advent Season!

For those of you who follow a liturgical church year, you know that we are entering the season of joyous preparation as we ready our hearts for our coming Savior. Taking time for quiet contemplation is a great way to move our focus from holiday “To Do” lists and onto the Incarnate Christ who is Emmanuel – God with us.

I was blessed last year when I was invited by Creative Communication for the Parish to write a prayer booklet for Advent. Our Lord Emmanuel contains Bible verses and brief meditations for each day leading up to Christmas. Each week features a specific theme: Emmanuel our Deliverer, Emmanuel our Savior, Emmanuel our Shepherd, and Emmanuel our King.

You can get it today – in time to begin using the prayers as part of  your Advent devotions. The e-book version is only 99 cents at Kindle and Nook. Even if you don’t own one of those e-readers, you can buy the booklet to read on your computer or phone.

What an amazing truth! Our God doesn’t stand far off. He is WITH US. And He invites us to linger with Him in the coming days.

Whether you use a wreath with candles, or a special calendar, or just add quiet prayers to your day, I hope your coming weeks will be deep, tender, and comforting. May our Lord Emmanuel shine light in our hearts and help us to be lights in a dark world.


Sharon Hinck



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