Tag Archives: Seashells

How to Welcome Each Day’s Seashells

seashellSeashell Searches:

Years ago, I had the privilege of walking on a long, sunny beach in February. For this Minnesota girl, feeling sand between my toes in the winter was nothing short of miraculous. The sand was covered with thousands of seashells and I couldn’t wait to start collecting—hunting for treasures and dodging foaming waves.

As I watched an endless progression of waves sweep in to deposit scallops and conchs, I realized that every day I walked on this beach there would be new possibilities. New colors or shapes or designs to discover. If I trudged with my head down determined to find one particular kind of seashell, I could spend a wasted day and return feeling I’d failed. But if I waited to see what new blessings scattered onto the shore, something new and special would find me.

Lord, each day you bring me new treasures in all shapes and sizes. Give me patience to let the waves carry those blessings in. Give me openness to see the variety before me. Give me gratitude for your creativity and abounding goodness. Each day, let me collect your gifts of unexpected encounters, precious relationships, challenges to face, beauty to enjoy. And on those days where the beach of my life looks empty, let me enjoy the feeling of sand between my toes while I wait for the next wave. Amen.

What are some treasures God has sent your way recently? A phone call? A hug? A new insight? I’d love to hear about some of the blessings you’ve discovered recently!

Sharon Hinck

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