Category Archives: The Deliverer

Reader Art

Reader Art

Reader art is fun!

Over the years, readers of the Sword of Lyric books have created sketches, poems, banners, jewelry, or photos of themselves playing Perish (the game that Kieran and Zarek play in The Restorer’s Son.) One year, I hosted a songwriting contest.  The beautiful lyrics submitted by readers of the series filled me with awe. I always feel honored when other artists springboard from these stories and create something new.

New Inspiration

Yesterday, a reader sent me her digital image of Susan riding Mara. Thank you, Kristi Simonson, for sharing this with us! She found comfort in the stories during a difficult time of life.

If you have created any fan art – a poem, drawing, song, painting, please send it to me so I can share it with other readers. One of the fans of the Sword of Lyric series has started a special Facebook group “People of the Verses” for discussing the books. If you’re interested, check it out!

Haven’t read the books yet? The paperback editions are now BACK IN PRINT! The “buy” button is activated at Amazon. They may show as “Out of Stock” but as soon as people begin ordering again, they will get back into the pipeline and on the way to you.

The Restorer

The Restorer’s Son

The Restorer’s Journey

The Deliverer


Sharon Hinck

(full disclosure – this post contains affiliate links)

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Signing On for Another Project

SigningI love signing a new contract. Writing work is unpredictable. So I always feel tremendous gratitude when I know I’ll have work lined up for a while.

This is me signing up to write devotions for Mornings with Jesus 2018.

I was honored to be invited again, and am hard at work on a new batch for them.

People sometimes ask me the best thing about being an author. My contributions to MWJ over the years lead to of one of those “best things.” I hear from readers. What they share gives me goosebumps. Sometimes they open the daily devotion on the worst day of their life – a scary diagnosis, the loss of a spouse, or another challenge. And the devotion for that day just “happens” to be targeted to their need. I love how God does that.

C.S. Lewis said, “We read to know we are not alone.” When I write in solitude, I remember that there is a reader who will long for a word of comfort one day. I pray that God will send the devotional musing to them exactly when they need it.

On another note, thank you to everyone who has been posting reviews for my latest book, The Deliverer. The story is only 7 reviews away from having 50 reviews on Amazon. That’s a benchmark that brings more visibility so others can find the story. Keep them coming!

Time for me to get busy. Thanks for letting me share my gratitude today. Is there something special you are grateful for today? Post it in the comments!

Have a blessed day,

Sharon Hinck



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Updates and Random Thoughts

Updates(photo courtesy of Pixabay)

Some days I have small thoughts or bits of news that don’t merit a full blog post…so today I’ll gather a few updates to share.

1. A new novel and slow but steady progress.

I write every day, and long for a Handel-composing-the-Messiah sort of frenzied output. But I’m learning to be content with one sentence, one paragraph, one page at a time. I’m excited by the new world that’s shaping up in the novel I’m currently writing, and I’m finding joy in telling this story. I’ll share more soon. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss any news.

2. The Deliverer reviews

It’s important to the algorithms for a book to hit the 50 review mark on Amazon. That increases visibility to readers who are browsing for a good read. I’m thrilled to share that so far The Deliverer has 41 reviews. If you haven’t posted a review yet, please do!  Only 9 to reach that important milestone.

3. Mornings with Jesus Bible

After contributing to Guidepost’s Mornings with Jesus devotion books over the last five years, I’m honored to have some of my devotions included in a new daily Bible.

4. Mornings with Jesus 2017

You’ll also find around 40 of my new devotional thoughts in Mornings with Jesus 2017.

5. A treat for those who follow this blog

Leave a comment here about which of my novels or devotions you’ve most enjoyed, AND your email (write it like “your name at email dot carrier” so bots can’t read it.)and I’ll draw one name to receive a free copy of A Novel Idea, a book chock full of great writing wisdom from a variety of Christian authors. Even if you aren’t a writer, I know you’ll enjoy hearing the hearts of the folk who create the books you love to read.

6.  Progress in my journaling Bible

As I shared in an earlier blogpost about my new journaling Bible, I’ve found new inspiration to linger in the Word each day. Even a book that normally bogs me down – like Leviticus – has offered new insights. I challenged myself to not just read a chapter to check it off my list, but to really dig in with all my questions and reactions. I confess Deuteronomy was long and difficult, but I found challenges and encouragement there as well. I’ll be starting Joshua next week. Onward!

7. Featured interview

In case you missed it, I did a recent interview for a site that features Lutheran authors. Mary Moerbe asked me some interesting new questions.

Okay, back to work for me. I pray God blesses you this week – in your relationships, your work, your health, your dreams!


Sharon HInck

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Why We Need a Deliverer

TheDelivererQuote1A poster of a perfect arabesque en pointe hung in the dance studio where I studied ballet. “If you can believe it, you can become it,” the caption declared. I liked that philosophy. I liked to think that if I worked hard enough, believed hard enough, and proclaimed it often enough that I could overcome any obstacle.

A similar theory sometimes drifted into my theology. In my love for Christ, I wanted to serve Him faithfully, bring Him joy, let my life make a difference in His kingdom. Not bad desires. But what I didn’t understand was how quickly those desires turned my focus on myself instead of Him. When I spotted a small sanctified choice I’d made, pride was ready to surge into my thoughts and affirm my ability to make myself the person I desired to be. When I failed, despair flooded me.

The more of life I experienced – the complications, the harshness, the inexplicable injustice – the more I learned that there are times no amount of human will can fix everything. I could pray and declare and fight and try, but I wasn’t wise enough, or strong enough, or loving enough to solve certain challenges. Even those within myself.

I’m reminded daily that I need a Deliverer. Not to boost my own efforts, but to replace my heart with His.

Galatians 2:20-21 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”

I love how C.S. Lewis puts it in Mere Christianity:

“But the Christian thinks any good he does comes from the Christ-life inside him. He does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us; just as the roof of a greenhouse does not attract the sun because it is bright, but becomes bright because the sun shines on it.”

When I began writing the Sword of Lyric Series, I wrote about characters who can poison minds. For some the lie builds on shame, for others self-doubt, for others anger. But perhaps one of the most dangerous mind-poisons we face is a self-reliance that surges ahead fueled by human effort and optimism–forgetting that apart from Him we can do nothing.

Whether we are swimming in doubt and discouragement, or pride and self-reliance, true joy returns as we remember the truth. In every way that we are not enough–He is.


Sharon Hinck


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A Day of Encouragement

I got to hold an author copy of Mornings with Jesus 2016 today. So lovely to see the devotions I contributed, nestled among the wonderful insights and inspiration of other authors.

And as if that wasn’t enough blessing, I received a beautiful thank you card from a friend who was blessed by my new book, The Deliverer. In part, she wrote, “I laughed! I cried! I grew closer to the One!” Her words were just what I needed today.

Has God sent a special treat your way lately? Post a comment! I’d love to rejoice with you.


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Two winners!

Thanks to everyone who participated in my recent contest by sharing posts about my new book, The Deliverer. Since I appreciate your efforts so much, I decided to give away TWO prizes instead of one. Using a random number generator, one name was chosen from my blog post comments, and one from my Facebook contest. Congratulations Anjanette and Elizabeth! I’ll be contacting you to get your address and will mail you your copy of Renovating Becky Miller.

If you entered and didn’t win this time, take heart! Next week I’ll be starting a super deluxe giveaway on Goodreads, so be sure to look for that one.

Sharon Hinck

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A New Contest

The launch of The Deliverer is off to a rollicking good start, so it’s time for another contest. Everyone who shares this post  will be entered into a drawing for a free autographed paperback copy of “Renovating Becky Miller” (a lighthearted novel about the perils of home renovation and over ambition). You can use the buttons below this blog post, then please comment here to tell me where you shared it.

Reviews for The Deliverer:

“Best book in the series.” – Kat, Amazon reviewer

“Sharon Hinck has crafted a compelling plot, an entrancing setting, and characters that are so realistic I felt like I was welcoming long lost friends.” – Virginia, Amazon reviewer

“There were moments in this story where I was certain God was speaking to me and my situation.” – Gina, Amazon reviewer

More About the The Deliverer:

A lost songkeeper must lead her people to a long awaited Deliverer
Eager to serve the One, a young songkeeper travels to the dark and foreign nation of Hazor, but her confusing, rough-edged companion has lost his Restorer gifts. As danger rises against them both, she loses her freedom, her memories, and her hope. Now even the very music of her soul is threatened.

In our world, Susan Mitchell no longer feels at home in the carpool lane. Burdened by the unhealed scars from her trips through the portal, she fights to suppress her worry about her son, who remains out of contact in Lyric. But when a mysterious message hints Jake is in danger, she and her husband are swept away—to the place they least expect.

Clan rebellions. Lost Restorers. Has the One turned away, or will the face of the Deliverer bring light to the darkness? 

New to the series? Grab book one, The Restorer, for free on Kindle!
Sharon Hinck
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The Deliverer – a tidbit from the new novel

“Restrained Linette, the faithful songkeeper. I knew all the right words, but my spirit was a clashing chord, all mangled sounds and broken strings … But Lukyan had taught me long ago that the One could take the smallest melody and build a strong chorus around it, if the music were true. The smallest life could produce magnificent worship when it was placed in His hands.” — Linette in The Deliverer by Sharon Hinck
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A Sword of Lyric Party

Super-fan Nina Ruth hosted a party to celebrate the release of The Deliverer.

Swords and cloaks were the dress code.

The menu included ground caradoc sauteed with wild Braide Wood vegetables; lehkan cream & fermented orberry; Rendor wild greens; Clavo; and Hazor Delight for dessert.

The table games were lit by a light trivet. Thanks to Nina Ruth, Jen, and Kristi for sharing their photos of a fun evening through the portal.

If you want to host a fun evening, download the free Sword of Lyric Party Planner at my website.

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