Category Archives: The Writing Life

A New Contract – A New Chapter

A New Contract!

Hi, dear friends,

It’s finally time to officially share the news about a new chapter in my writing life.New Contract

This is a photo of me with my wonderful agent, Steve Laube, who delivered this book contract in person. (Okay, he was in town for other reasons, but still, it was fun to celebrate in person.)

I signed a three-book contract with Enclave for my new fantasy series, “The Dancing Realms.”

Yes, it draws from my years as a ballet teacher, choreographer, and dancer — although in some unexpected ways.

It’s also inspired by a poignant verse in the Old Testament book of 2 Kings: “Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, ‘I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the Lord.’ He gave it to Shaphan, who read it.

The notion of a world losing or forgetting all about their Maker is heartbreaking, and of course sets a stage for someone to heed the call to expose the lies of the Order who are exerting harmful control over the entire world.

That’s enough of a tease for now. The first story, Hidden Current, will release in June. I’ll keep you posted on progress!


Sharon Hinck

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The Back Story

back story
back story

Sharing my Back Story

As a novelist, I know it’s important for my main character to have an interesting back story …the experiences that shaped them, the quirks, the influences. I also know it’s important not to reveal all the past history at the beginning of the story. It’s fun to get to know characters layer by layer.

Today, I’m visiting the Realm Makers Blog.  The interview shares a bit of my own journey  as a writer. Please drop by. And feel free to leave questions!

And if you write speculative fiction (fantasy and science fiction of various kinds, and other branches of imaginative stories) browse the Realm Makers site. It may be just the community of support that you’re looking for!



Sharon Hinck


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Reader Art

Reader Art

Reader art is fun!

Over the years, readers of the Sword of Lyric books have created sketches, poems, banners, jewelry, or photos of themselves playing Perish (the game that Kieran and Zarek play in The Restorer’s Son.) One year, I hosted a songwriting contest.  The beautiful lyrics submitted by readers of the series filled me with awe. I always feel honored when other artists springboard from these stories and create something new.

New Inspiration

Yesterday, a reader sent me her digital image of Susan riding Mara. Thank you, Kristi Simonson, for sharing this with us! She found comfort in the stories during a difficult time of life.

If you have created any fan art – a poem, drawing, song, painting, please send it to me so I can share it with other readers. One of the fans of the Sword of Lyric series has started a special Facebook group “People of the Verses” for discussing the books. If you’re interested, check it out!

Haven’t read the books yet? The paperback editions are now BACK IN PRINT! The “buy” button is activated at Amazon. They may show as “Out of Stock” but as soon as people begin ordering again, they will get back into the pipeline and on the way to you.

The Restorer

The Restorer’s Son

The Restorer’s Journey

The Deliverer


Sharon Hinck

(full disclosure – this post contains affiliate links)

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Signing a Contract is Always a Time to Reflect

Signing a ContractYes, that’s a pen in my hand, as I prepare to sign a new contract.

I’ll be contributing devotions to Mornings with Jesus 2019. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been writing for them since the 2012 edition. (By the way, the 2017 edition is still available.)

Every time I sign a new contract, I uncover a tangle of emotions. I’m incredibly grateful to have work as a writer. I’m humbled by the opportunity, because since I know so many gifted authors, I find it hard to believe anyone wants to read my work. I’m also excited. Excited to share some of my experiences about our amazing Savior.

But before the ink dries, I’m often assaulted by deep insecurity. What if I have nothing new to say? What if I can’t finish the work by the deadline? What if this time folks will discover I’ve been pretending to be a writer?

This is always a good reminder that I CAN’T do this — not in my own power, wisdom, or determination.

When God calls us to a task–whether it’s offering comfort to a friend, caring for children, supporting a spouse, or writing a little devotion–He provides what we need and works through us.

How about you? Are you facing a new task that triggers insecurity? Or continuing an ongoing task that feels too big or too hard?

Let’s all sign a new contract today–a contract with our Savior. Let’s make ourselves available and ask Him to give us the courage we need to take the next step forward for Him.


Sharon Hinck

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Creating in Quiet Places

Creating can happen in quiet places.

When I released a fourth Sword of Lyric book, I made an effort to become more active on social media. I blogged, I posted on Facebook, I even tweeted a little.

However, I found that in order to write a new novel, I needed to put my “word energy” into creating a new world and a new story, and had to set aside those online efforts.

So I’ve neglected my blog. I figured I’m due for an update, for the sake of those who stop by to visit my website.

I’ve spent the last year making progress on a new fantasy series that I’ve very excited about. Then in the new year I was sidetracked by lots of editing jobs. I love helping other authors hone their work. So I’ve followed the path of least resistance and focused my time on the projects that have come in, with only occasional dips back into the story.

However, my plan is to resume writing soon.

Have a lovely summer! I hope you find your own quiet corners where you can dream, build, and create.


Sharon Hinck

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Signing On for Another Project

SigningI love signing a new contract. Writing work is unpredictable. So I always feel tremendous gratitude when I know I’ll have work lined up for a while.

This is me signing up to write devotions for Mornings with Jesus 2018.

I was honored to be invited again, and am hard at work on a new batch for them.

People sometimes ask me the best thing about being an author. My contributions to MWJ over the years lead to of one of those “best things.” I hear from readers. What they share gives me goosebumps. Sometimes they open the daily devotion on the worst day of their life – a scary diagnosis, the loss of a spouse, or another challenge. And the devotion for that day just “happens” to be targeted to their need. I love how God does that.

C.S. Lewis said, “We read to know we are not alone.” When I write in solitude, I remember that there is a reader who will long for a word of comfort one day. I pray that God will send the devotional musing to them exactly when they need it.

On another note, thank you to everyone who has been posting reviews for my latest book, The Deliverer. The story is only 7 reviews away from having 50 reviews on Amazon. That’s a benchmark that brings more visibility so others can find the story. Keep them coming!

Time for me to get busy. Thanks for letting me share my gratitude today. Is there something special you are grateful for today? Post it in the comments!

Have a blessed day,

Sharon Hinck



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Updates and Random Thoughts

Updates(photo courtesy of Pixabay)

Some days I have small thoughts or bits of news that don’t merit a full blog post…so today I’ll gather a few updates to share.

1. A new novel and slow but steady progress.

I write every day, and long for a Handel-composing-the-Messiah sort of frenzied output. But I’m learning to be content with one sentence, one paragraph, one page at a time. I’m excited by the new world that’s shaping up in the novel I’m currently writing, and I’m finding joy in telling this story. I’ll share more soon. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss any news.

2. The Deliverer reviews

It’s important to the algorithms for a book to hit the 50 review mark on Amazon. That increases visibility to readers who are browsing for a good read. I’m thrilled to share that so far The Deliverer has 41 reviews. If you haven’t posted a review yet, please do!  Only 9 to reach that important milestone.

3. Mornings with Jesus Bible

After contributing to Guidepost’s Mornings with Jesus devotion books over the last five years, I’m honored to have some of my devotions included in a new daily Bible.

4. Mornings with Jesus 2017

You’ll also find around 40 of my new devotional thoughts in Mornings with Jesus 2017.

5. A treat for those who follow this blog

Leave a comment here about which of my novels or devotions you’ve most enjoyed, AND your email (write it like “your name at email dot carrier” so bots can’t read it.)and I’ll draw one name to receive a free copy of A Novel Idea, a book chock full of great writing wisdom from a variety of Christian authors. Even if you aren’t a writer, I know you’ll enjoy hearing the hearts of the folk who create the books you love to read.

6.  Progress in my journaling Bible

As I shared in an earlier blogpost about my new journaling Bible, I’ve found new inspiration to linger in the Word each day. Even a book that normally bogs me down – like Leviticus – has offered new insights. I challenged myself to not just read a chapter to check it off my list, but to really dig in with all my questions and reactions. I confess Deuteronomy was long and difficult, but I found challenges and encouragement there as well. I’ll be starting Joshua next week. Onward!

7. Featured interview

In case you missed it, I did a recent interview for a site that features Lutheran authors. Mary Moerbe asked me some interesting new questions.

Okay, back to work for me. I pray God blesses you this week – in your relationships, your work, your health, your dreams!


Sharon HInck

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Tips for Writing Speculative Fiction


Writing Speculative Fiction

Today a number of authors shared their tips for writing speculative fiction at the Novel Rocket blog, and I was honored to be included.  It was interesting to read the great advice from many different perspectives. I had to smile as I read thoughts that could appear contradictory. “Include important story-world details.” “Don’t bog down the story with too much detail.” It reminded me of my first writer’s conference, where I eagerly took notes on everything, then felt overwhelmed and confused.

The true challenge of writing in any genre is finding the best balance. Stay within the expectations of the genre, yet try something fresh. Keep the pace cracking along, yet give the reader time to breathe. Let your reader discover the rules of your story-world in the midst of action, but do have clear rules.

And while you’re sorting out how much to “show” and when to “tell” or how much description, dialogue, and narrative summary to weave into a scene, remember to PLAY.

Joy is a much better atmosphere for creativity than fear of breaking a rule.

I grappled with many speculative fiction issues when writing The Restorer. Today you can grab The Restorer free on Kindle and see what you think of the writing choices I made to tell the story. Enjoy!

Sharon Hinck


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A Day of Encouragement

I got to hold an author copy of Mornings with Jesus 2016 today. So lovely to see the devotions I contributed, nestled among the wonderful insights and inspiration of other authors.

And as if that wasn’t enough blessing, I received a beautiful thank you card from a friend who was blessed by my new book, The Deliverer. In part, she wrote, “I laughed! I cried! I grew closer to the One!” Her words were just what I needed today.

Has God sent a special treat your way lately? Post a comment! I’d love to rejoice with you.


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Speculative Fatih

There’s a wonderful group blog, made up of Christian writers and readers with a heart for beautiful, skilled, artistic fiction. It’s called “Speculative Faith,” because they particularly blog about “speculative” fiction that explores themes of faith – meaning the kind of stories that imaginatively ask, “What if?” These may be fantasy tales of amazing creatures and foreign worlds, or science fiction novels set in far off planets or the distant future. I know several of the bloggers personally, and they are faith-filled and thoughtful folk.

On Friday, I visited the blog to talk about The Restorer-Expanded Edition.

I even shared a secret about one character in the comments section.

Please stop by and feel free to post your thoughts, too!

Sharon Hinck

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