Tag Archives: Windward Shore

Sabbatical for a New Year

Devotional Musing: Sabbatical
“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’” Mark 6:31 (NIV)
Over recent months, I’ve resonated with Jesus’s call to get some rest. My normal response to challenge is usually to “push harder.” But as I confronted worsening health issues, I heard God’s gentle invitation to try a new way to respond. Trust and rest. So 2023 is going to be a year of sabbatical for me. I hope to focus my limited energy on relationships – with God, family, and friends.
A friend recently sent me an interview I did for her blog in 2006, and I was amazed how deeply my own old words spoke to my heart, and hope they might encourage you, as well. In part, I wrote:
“We live in a hyper-success-driven culture. We try to measure up to crazy unrealistic models of doing it all and doing it perfectly. We’re also very number obsessed and measure success by income, or degrees, or amount of activities. We lose sight of God’s upside-down measuring system—how a cup of cold water given in love is a precious act of ministry in God’s eyes, and how a widow’s mite is treasured by Him.

The theme of God working MORE powerfully through our lives when we DON’T have it all together developed as I wrote novels. It wasn’t part of my original intent—just one of those threads God kept bringing in.

I so much want to give God a strong, shiny, gifted person for Him to work with. Instead He’s called me to come to Him in all my quirks, flaws, and fears and let HIM be my strength. Each thing He is able to do (in spite of my emotional weakness, spiritual wobbles, and physical limitations) is a true miracle. In many ways I feel more frail the longer I go in my Christian walk – yet that isn’t a bad place to be because I have deeper trust in God’s mercy and strength. It’s much smarter to rely on Him than on myself!”

I pray that whatever form it takes, 2023 will be a year of rest and refreshing for all of us, as we trust ever deeper in our Savior.

Secret Project

Although I’m sabbaticalling (sabbaticalizing?) – okay, ON sabbatical – I have had a special project in the works for several years that I’ll share with you soon. So stay tuned! As soon as I am ready to say more, you’ll hear about it in my next newsletter.

Photo of a Miracle

There were years I didn’t think I’d ever be able to write another novel, and that if I did write, it would be as clunky and as difficult to read as it was to write. Yet God guided me day by day, and strengthened me to write word by word, to complete Hidden Current, Forsaken Island, and Windward Shore. Our Savior is so faithful! And then to my total shock these past three years, The Dancing Realms Series was awarded an unprecedented Christy Award for each book in the trilogy. A total miracle of God. The themes of freedom and grace and the beauty of art all ministered to my heart as I wrote, and I hope they resonate with you as well! If you haven’t read them yet, I pray these stories will provide a great adventure as well as encouragement for whatever impossible tasks you are facing. You can find them all HERE. and anywhere you buy books. 🙂

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Cover Reveal for Windward Shore

Introducing the Cover Reveal for Windward Shore!

The island world of Meriel faces an old adversary and a new danger. Will the reformed Order die before it has a chance to blossom?

Storm clouds loom on the horizon as Carya and Brantley struggle to overcome wounds of the past and build a future together. The fragile new Order is on shaky ground, with too few dancers and sparse resources. Then trouble erupts—and now an insidious rebellion and a new foe threaten their entire world.

When she uncovers an old enemy behind all the destruction, Carya realizes the past is not done with her. With conflict tearing apart the dancers and villages, rimmers are soon overrun, and Carya must unite her people by leading the battle to protect the very heart of her world … or lose it all.

The limited hard-cover edition will release in May, and you can preorder here. Thanks for sharing the Cover Reveal for Windward Shore with your friends!

Happy Thanksgiving! I’m giving thanks for YOU, and for the opportunity to share these stories!


Sharon Hinck

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